The Planets This Month

The Planets This Month: April 2019 Aired Monday, 1 April 2019, 9:00 PM ET April promises to be more settled than what we experienced throughout March. Communication planet Mercury will move from Pisces to Aries which offers more of a faster pace and quick thinking from all. We do need to be careful that we […]

The Planets This Month: March 2019 Aired Monday, 25 February 2019, 9:00 PM ET March is already upon us! The main event in March is unpredictable Uranus will move into Taurus for the final time this cycle. We can expect financial shakeups and sudden events. The fixed signs may find life brings some unusual and […]

Aired Monday, 28 January 2019, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Month: February 2019 This month promises to be memorable and not necessarily in a good way. The month starts with a very intense Mars-Pluto square. This destructive energy is about unconscious power plays, manipulations and outright control-grabbing, life can get kinda dicey with this […]

Aired Monday, 26 November 2018, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Month: December 2018 December opens with a passionate and somewhat volatile feel, as Venus sashays into Scorpio, unleashing plenty of sensual energy but also strong potential for jealousy and obsession. With Mercury turning direct – also in Scorpio – a few days later on […]

Aired Monday, 29 October 2018, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Month: November 2018 The first week of November has a healing theme: two beautiful trines, firstly between Jupiter and Chiron and then between the Sun and Neptune both encourage compassion, sincerity and trust. A New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th continues this theme, […]

Aired Monday, 1 October 2018, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Month: October 2018 October this year is a time for reflection and repair for most signs. Powerful energies bring forceful opinions and actions to the fore, prompting each of us to figure out how to protect ourselves from such aggression. Interpersonal relationships are in […]

Aired Monday, 3 September 2018, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Month: September 2018 September begins with an air of thoughtfulness and hard work. Mercury moves into Virgo on September 5th so rational thinking is favored over subjective feelings. A day later, Saturn turns direct in determined Capricorn, so it’s very much back to business. […]

Aired Monday, 30 July 2018, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Month: August 2018 August is a rollercoaster ride of important transits this year. The good news is that although the month starts off with a lot of tensions and potential drama, it concludes with two of the most positive weeks we’ve seen for a […]

Aired Monday, 4 June 2018, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Month: June 2018 Following a rather heavy-going May, much of June’s planetary energy is light, creative and fun, so for many of us it’s a time to shake off the stress and to enjoy some of life’s pleasures instead. Gentle Venus kicks off proceedings […]

Aired Monday, 30 April 2018, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Month: May 2018 Join astrologer, Kelli Fox, to find out how May’s planets will be affecting your sign. May’s big astrological news is the movement of Uranus, that most rebellious of planets, in Taurus, for a seven-year stint. On a global scale, we can […]

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