Tomás Garza

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Transformation 101: The Two Truths Aired Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST Those familiar with Eastern philosophy will recognize the concept of the Two Truths: Absolute and Relative. These ideas can help us tremendously to understand our experience, and to make better decisions every day to grow spiritually and […]

Transformation 101: The Ego Aired Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST “We believe we are running around as a body. This organism, little more than an agglomeration of water, somehow comes to constitute ‘us.’ All of our senses confirm this; we seem to be contained by this agglomeration, encased […]

Transformation 101: Love and Fear Aired Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST This week, let’s get back to basics. First off, all transformation is an inside job. Personal growth takes place at the level of the mind; this in fact applies to all growth. Join me over the next […]

The Beginning of Something: Seasons in Our Lives Aired Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST Do you fear change? Be honest. Most of us do. At least on some level, the idea of re-inventing yourself is terrifying. While we follow adventurous people on social media and dream of one […]

The End of Something: Seasons in Our Lives Aired Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST Each period of our lives, each “season,” exists to teach us something. Each season challenges us, nurtures us, and provides space for us to grow. Whether the season lasts a few days or several […]

Cindy Garza – Our Concepts Around Health, Wellness, and Spirituality Aired Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST What are your ideas about health, wellness, and spirituality? For some of us, these are fundamental pillars, a constant presence in our lives. For others, these may be wishful thinking, a distant […]

Cindy Garza – Health, Wellness, and Spirituality Aired Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST What does spirituality have to do with your health? What if the answer is everything? In today’s world it is easy and tempting to separate physical health and the spiritual realm. People focus solely on […]

Commit to Loving Yourself Aired Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST Do you love yourself? I mean do you really, truly love yourself, honor yourself, invest in and care about your deepest well-being? Some of you might say yes; others might ask what I mean by this. Join me […]

Lisa Berry – Self-Talk Transformation: Unconscious Success Aired Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST It matters how we talk to ourselves. In fact, self-talk is its own unique language. It may not occur to us from moment to moment, but we talk to ourselves constantly, and we feed ourselves […]

Selfish in a Good Way: The Importance of Self-Care Aired Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST Of course we need to give. We give to others, we give to causes, organizations, charities, but what about ourselves? It may sound obvious that we need to care for ourselves, but so […]

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