W. Wallace Wagner Jr. – Crossing The Crevasse

Written by on March 3, 2021

W. Wallace Wagner Jr. – Crossing The Crevasse

Aired Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST

Victor Fuhrman Destination Unlimited OMTimes Radio

Genesis Chapter 5, Verse 24, says, “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” Exodus, Chapters 3 and 4, describe God speaking to Moses from inside a “bush that burned but was not consumed.” In the Book of Ezekiel, the prophet has a vision of four intermeshed wheels in the sky that contained and were controlled by the spirit of “four living creatures, each having four faces.” In almost every religion and faith, from all parts of the world, there are comparable stories of what “ancient alien theorists” have postulated as “extraterrestrial contact with advanced technology” that the observers at the time deemed as divine. How may people of faith today receive this modern interpretation? Do these theories challenge belief in the divine or may these mysteries even deepen one’s faith? How does this affect those of us who have experienced sightings of UFO’s or contact experiences? Are these phenomenon and faith mutually exclusive, or actually inclusive?



My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, W. Wallace Wagner Jr., has personally addressed and researched these very questions. W. Wallace Wagner Jr. received his BS degree from West Virginia University in 1981 and subsequently did graduate work at Marshall University and the University of Charleston. He gained a unique understanding of the Bible from 40 years of study, mostly self-taught. He has an interest in UFO-type craft in the Bible, prophecy, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the disclosure movement, and crop circles. In September 2016, he had his own UFO sighting that affected his sense of spirituality. His website is https://crossingthecrevasse.com/, and he joins me this week to discuss his background, his experience and research and his book, Crossing The Crevasse: My Epiphany and How It Affected The Bible and Disclosure.

Visit the Destination Unlimited show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/destination-unlimited/

Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

#WWallaceWagnerJr #CrossingTheCrevasse #VictorFuhrman #DestinationUnlimited

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