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4 Spiritual Considerations of Genetic Engineering

4 Spiritual Considerations of Genetic Engineering

By Angela Levesque

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” – Albert Einstein

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about genetic engineering is their use in food production. From round-up ready crops to golden rice, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been part of a national debate for more than three decades. In the wake of prop 37 being voted down in California, an initiative that would have required labeling of genetically modified foods, anti GMO campaigns have gained much more awareness. Many people remain unaware that genetic engineering goes far beyond our farms. We have been genetically modifying salmon, cows, even the mosquitoes haven’t been left unscathed. Recently, we have been dipping our toes in the previously untouched pool of human life. Until now geneticists have steered clear of this research as the scientific community frowned upon it, but the barrier has now been breached

They have now begun to alter the genetic sequence of human DNA that will be passed down from one generation to the next. As with genetically engineered salmon, the mosquito, and now humans, we have begun to alter living, breathing organisms. Many people have already claimed that GMOs cause a myriad of health and environmental consequences, but is genetic engineering a crime against consciousness? We need to stop and think about the spiritual implications of tinkering with the foundational patterns of the universe.

1. Altering the Energetic Frequency

There are inherent patterns in our world that can be seen from the organization of an atom, to the structure of our cities. None more beautiful than our own DNA. This vision of sacred geometry truly is the blueprint of all of creation. The frequencies of the universe and matter intertwine to create life. This beautiful, divine entanglement allows the free flow of life force to emanate. Now what happens when we create a perturbation in the field through consciously, deliberately and in some cases, violently altering these fundamental patterns?

Does it interfere with the energetic frequency of the organism and the movement of the life force energy? It may be that in the future each person is not endowed with the genes from two donors, but from multiple donors, a mish mash of genetic traits from multiple people. We are standing on the precipice of abolishing the archetypal energies of the Mother and Father, primordial energies coursing through the universe since the beginning of time.

2. Dynamic Nature of Consciousness

We can do model after model in a laboratory, but what happens when we introduce these GMOs into nature. We really don’t know, there has been an appalling lack of research done. Amit Goswami and many others believe in the primacy of consciousness; that matter is a secondary creation derived from an infinite field of probabilities. What happens when we aim to create at the point of matter first, without regards to consciousness? The unified field is dynamic and fluid, it is unpredictable. This leaves us with huge uncertainties as to what the ultimate results will be from our genetic manipulation.We know even from a biological standpoint, that the environment largely determines gene expression. Just because we possess a certain gene, if that gene is not turned on, we will not exhibit that particular trait. Genetic engineering seems like a large-scale experiment on humanity. It may take years to see the damage that is has caused.  Some have even likened this new genetic era to the advent of the atomic bomb in its scope to alter the course of humanity.

3. Our Soul’s Lessons

Many of us believe that we have come to Earth School to learn our soul’s lessons. Are we interfering with our purpose?  I guess one could argue that we could never be outside of spirit or our soul’s intention. If we consider cloning, where does that soul reside?  If creation begins at the point of matter instead of in the unified field of consciousness, the answer is unclear. The thing that frightens me is there is no awareness or contemplation of the soul in any of these discussions. If we grow genetically modified fish or a human from birth, what happens to the soul?  It may be that we are bypassing the spiritual dimensions all together. If we lose this connection to spirit, then we lose the oneness spoken of by every great teacher that has walked this earth. Uncovering that connection has been the greatest hope for humanity to find peace with one another.

4. We are Enough

We are living a reality where life has begun to imitate our science fiction. For instance Huxley’s, “A Brave New World”, where natural reproduction was eliminated and your social order and status were predetermined prior to the child being ‘decanted’. Do we want to move toward a world of designer babies? We are under the faulty assumption that we need to save the world from its perceived imperfections. The divine order of things is no longer to be trusted. We have lost faith in the perfection of the universe.

See Also

Is it our path to extend lives, postpone death and alter creation in the name of medicine? We have this view in health care that death is our enemy; all illness begets a war and now biology is something to be conquered and perfected. Billions of years of evolving and divine timing are being challenged in a few decades.

How are we ever going to be able to see abundance in our world if we are constantly told that who we are and what we are, isn’t good enough? We may never walk the path of inner peace or seek spiritual truth if our universe begins with a petri dish. We are under the illusion that everything is just one scientific discovery away from being fixed. Maybe it is time to see the perfection in the imperfect. Maybe these struggles are for us to transcend and not to conquer. If we are always looking for more, than when will we ever be enough? That is the true cause of our suffering and that will never be solved by science or medicine.

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Angela Levesque is health educator, writer, exercise physiologist and energy healer. She hosts a weekly online radio show called On Health & Healing on and teaches several classes on self care for chronic illness.

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