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Beyond Fear Challenge

Beyond Fear Challenge


Beyond Fear Free Online Yoga Challenge

Do you ever wonder what’s stopping you from doing a daily yoga practice? You know it’s good for you. You know it makes you feel amazing, but somehow you can’t find even ten minutes in your day to fit in yoga – with its delicious downward dogs, energizing twists and renewing savasanas. And ten minutes is seriously all it takes to give you that radiant yoga glow. Ten minutes! If you practiced consistently, even for just ten minutes a day – imagine how you’d feel. So what’s the story, why aren’t you practicing more?

Consider this: fear may be fueling your resistance. Fear of change. Fear of commitment. Fear of failure. All of these may play a role in keeping you from taking expansive steps in your life – even steps that feel as good as yoga! But you don’t have to give in to your own inner scaredy cat. We challenge you to face whatever fear is keeping you from your yoga! Let the MyYogaWorks Beyond Fear online yoga challenge be your partner in bravery!

The Beyond Fear challenge is 14 days of FREE online yoga delivered to your inbox, all hosted by MyYogaWorks! To take the challenge, all you need to do is practice yoga every day for two weeks at and you’ll be rewarded with the freedom that comes from facing your fears, just in time for Halloween! Plus you’ll have the chance to win tons of cool prizes! Sign up for this free yoga challenge at

When you sign up for the challenge you’ll be joining thousands of other yogis, all over the world, all committed to practicing yoga every day. We make it easy for you to follow through by delivering yoga classes, inspiring reading and words of encouragement to your in-box every day with prizes awarded daily as an extra perk, all for free.

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Don’t be scared! Sign up now!


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