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Love Happens as Fragrance to Flowers

Love Happens as Fragrance to Flowers

Love Happens!!!

True love just happens; the love that has a giver or doer is most often tainted with expectation and conditions. But love in its true essence is essentially unconditional. When your heart is given to the Universal Self, you reach a state of expansion, transcending all limitations. Then you realize you have no more conditional expectations for anyone in this world of transience. You heart is full in itself. Then it spills over, ripples to endless expansion. This is called Divine love. True love is Divine love. Divine love is unconditional. It is only in the egoless state of Pure Essence of mind that unconditional divine love happens.

The heart is singing and dancing all the time the Language beyond language expressed through Grace Divine.
God is not an abstraction but palpably tangible,living, vibrating, singing through every cell of the body.
Love happens from the heart of God for all of us, all the time. Be in love with the Divine.
The deepest longing of the heart for the Divine is itself the Path.
So keep the fire of love and devotion aflame.
The only reality is your love happening for God
and God’s love happening for you.

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