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Making it Happen

Making it Happen

By Dee Wallace



Making “it” happen is what our society and consciousness has valued most. It has been our primary way of defining ourselves in a world of competition and success evaluation. It has also been our undoing because of the incorrect understanding that the creation process is outside of the Self.  We have become a society of pushers, manipulators, and over-achievers, believing that the “harder we work” and if we “never give up,” we succeed.   And we succeed better.  It is the money and the homes and the cars that have idealized whether we have made it happen, or not.

On the other hand, those of us on a spiritual quest to expand our consciousness have also fallen folly to false beliefs and directions.  Somehow “the meek shall inherit the earth” became “give yourself up for very little because you shouldn’t want more than you need.”  Spirituality and money became enemies. Spirituality always got the white hat and the superman cape, and money always rode in on the dark horse.  I often suggest to people in my seminars to put a big pile of money in the middle of the floor and watch all the bad things it does!  Money and success have no vibration other than what we assign to them through our beliefs and fears.  And, of course, incorrect religious, societal, genetic, and parental teachings.  Bottom line, we all like money and success. We all want them. And it’s time to acknowledge that, accept it, and stop feeling guilty for what makes us feel good and powerful.

We all want to make things happen: health, money, accomplishments, relationships, etc.  What we don’t realize is that we want these things for the EXPERIENCES of love, bliss, freedom, security, and self-worth that they provide.  And because of this, we assume we must have the things that cause the experiences, instead of being the experiences that result, often, in the things. We just have it, as my mother would say, “bassakward.” There really is something that comes first in the creation of the chicken or the egg: Us. We must be born in the creation of Us first. We must decide who and what the experience of Us is, and then take that into all we want to make happen. Otherwise, the true reality of who we are and our definition of Self is continually created by anyone and anything outside of our choice. We are at the whim of everything we are not.

See Also
Money Happiness

We all know people who have enough money in the reality of the world. But in their reality,

they are always living in lack and worry. Therefore, they are in the rat maze of never ending want, because until they can EXPERIENCE having, they can never know they have, and thus always want more. Until they can be, in their “Beingness,” the knowing and experience of money/abundance/security, nothing outside will create that experience for them, no matter how hard they look for that cheese.  No matter how many dollars they acquire. Until they create themselves, they become the created upon by all outside of their own Being.

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