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Making it Happen

Making it Happen

Until you can feel, experience and embrace wellness, your experience keeps taking you back to the disease, which creates more of what you don’t want. So the cycle looks like this: I don’t want to be sick/I keep experiencing sick/I keep focused on getting rid of the sick/I can never experience wellness/I can’t create wellness because I won’t experience it first. This is the law: we create from our reality and experience within, so it makes sense to hold yourself focused and vibrating in that experience regardless of what is showing up in the physical world. And then the physical world must change.

Look to your beliefs about all that you are wanting to make happen: do you deserve it? Believe it is possible?  Believe you know how to create it? Have the expertise to create it? Are you willing to receive the abundance and notoriety when you DO receive it? Ponder any beliefs that might be sabotaging in the creation of you feeling freedom/joy/bliss/unconditional love/peace/grace around your desires. Because: “As you believe, it will be delivered unto you.”

We keep trying to make it happen Out There, when the real creation is In Here.  How can we create money if we are judging it? How can we create life delivering to us if we don’t trust the Universe? How can we ever be absent from fear when we believe things just “happen,” that we have no control or responsibility in our own happening?

We ARE the creation. The first creation. “As within, so without.” If we want money, we must BE money, and realize the faulty beliefs about money that may be thwarting our embrace of it. We must BE Freedom, so that every subject in our lives reflects “the beingness” that we are. We must BE unconditional love, so that all our creations outside of ourselves must match unconditional love. We are the mirror that reflects out  and magnetizes all back to our realities. You must:

1) See what you don’t want

2) Choose to direct the positive opposite

3) Focus only on that

4) Experience what that FEELS like to have and be

5) Consciously direct and decide to create that in you as the experience of you

See Also

6) Let go and let the Universe create for you

7) Stay focused.  No matter what.

You are the only thing responsible for “making it happen.” And the creation of that begins within you.  Source can only respond to your clear direction, choice, and decision. It hears those things through your feelings, thoughts, and actions. See the Universe existing within you, for that, indeed, is where it is. And have fun – the Universe loves to play!

Dee Wallace is a keynote speaker at the Universal Lightworkers 2011 Spiritual Awakening Conference from June 10th-12th in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. For additional information and to register, go to:

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