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The Law of Attraction in Action

The Law of Attraction in Action

My Life as a Perpetual Victim


How the Law of Attraction Got My Attention

by Jewels Johnson

After suffering from severe depression for over 20 years and being on “medication,” I finally realized many years later that I was stuck being a victim.  Prior to this realization, everything that happened to me was the result of someone doing it TO me such as my parents, my siblings, my friends, coworkers and especially bosses.  I discovered that I even blamed God for everything that HE did to me.  Looking back at all those years, I can laugh at how ridiculous I was, slapping my head and saying Duh!  What took me so long!

It wasn’t as though I was not familiar with new age or new thought and metaphysics… as a matter of fact, I read every book I could on subject.   I read Edgar Cayce books with I was in the 7th Grade, and when I was in the 8th grade, my mother started attending Séances.  My first experience from beyond the veil had to do with getting my Mother to take me along to the séances.  For some reason I didn’t want to ASK my Mother to take me.     So I went into her bedroom one day, closed the door and started begging Spirits or Angels… or whomever or whatever was out there… to tell my mom to TAKE ME WITH HER.   I was begging passionately… “If you are real, then prove it!”   Then I forgot about it and went about doing my own thing.  A few days later, my mother was on the phone with Sue, the medium and coordinator of the séance.  Sue said, “Do you have a daughter that wants to come to the next get together?  I think you should bring her.”  At age of 12 that really convinced me that something is out there that we couldn’t see.   It’s funny how we forget these moments of miracles when we get stuck into being a victim.

Entering High School, I started going to metaphysical classes and I learned about meditation, hypnosis and astral traveling.  High school slumber parties became metaphysical parties when I was around, showing people that we can lift a Volkswagen with a group of people using only two fingers each.  The power of consciousness together and individually began to fascinate me even more. I remember back fondly that I began doing remote traveling, having friends send me to places that I never been to before and had me report back what I saw.   I always impressed myself by the accuracy.    I began thinking at the age of 17 that our Universe is a Universe within a Universe.   In other words, our planet is really a cell in a body and we are making that cell work.   We are insignificant but at the same time VERY Significant to the existence of the Galaxy which is just a cell of another Body or Universe.    All these magnificent thoughts stopped as I began to see only my reality and became distracted by what friends and husbands did to me as my victimhood reared its ugly head once again.

I manage to create some really interesting times, moving to Hawaii and living in Paradise.  Then leaving Paradise to join a man in Boston where I once again put the blame for my feelings on another.  I finally moved down to Florida by myself and started getting back into experimenting with remote viewing.  I amazed myself by accurately seeing my roommate at a party, what she was wearing and what happened at the party.

During this time, I read all of Seth Books finally discovering that we can write the script of our life and create what we want.  So I wrote this incredible romantic play that I starred in.  In that play, I decided that I wanted to get married to a well to do southern gent. And I did!  I met the love of my life as we locked eyes from across the room.  I wrote a brilliant a romance play that so full of drama.  It could have been a hit on Broadway.  My husband was a very influential and we were jet setters traveling in Lear jets with friends everywhere.  And of course, if something did not go right, it was his fault, not mine!   Our arguments became power struggles of what he was doing to me.    Our marriage was going south, but yet I loved him so much.   After a few years he was diagnosed with cancer and that sent my incredible world down fast into emotions that I had never felt before.  I had to take responsibility for his care.  I discovered I couldn’t be a victim any longer when I had to be responsible! And I was lousy at responsibility.  I much preferred the role of the victim.  It had such great payoffs!   Unfortunately, the love of my life died and I went into a two year severe depression… I call them my dark years where no laughter or smiles existed.   I was going through real identity crises.   Who could I blame for my feelings?

I finally moved back to California to live with my family.   I started deliberate creating once again, but still had the victim mentality.  I got married a third time so I could wear the victim role which felt more familiar than the role of being powerful.  I had always wanted children but I always blamed my husbands for not letting me have them.    So I created my kids in the form of grandkids.   Well, the marriage did not last long, because of the familiar “he just didn’t treat me right.”  Fortunately, I kept the grandkids who I loved dearly.    While I helped their Mom raise these kids, in actuality, these kids raised me, because I finally became responsible for something other than myself.    Their father was severely addicted to Meth so I had to fight for them and their safety.  For the first time, I took on the responsibility without thinking about me.  To this day, those kids are the most important things in my life.  They helped me to grow up.My career took off at this point becoming a business leader in a man’s world.  I became CEO of Chamber of Commerces and became engrossed in the politics which I could never win.  How could I?  I still identified myself as being the victim.   I tried to visualize board members in white light and love, but it backfired of course.   One Chamber to another… raising a lot of funds, but failing miserably with board members.   The stress I put myself under landed me sick and in the hospital.

Finally, I gave up.  I realized that my life sucked and it HAD to be my fault.  I look for the first time at my patterns.  Surrendering to the fact that I created everything was a huge blow to me.  I had to literally start from scratch.  I hid from the world for a period of time and fortunately consumed myself with books reading Ask and It is Given by Abraham-Hicks, Wayne Dyer’s Deliberate Intention, Louise Hay Affirmations, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra and many more.

I once again started to get back on track with being a deliberate creator, but this time understanding that I was responsible for everything in my life, EVERYthing.   Looking back,  I was finally able to see my whole life from different eyes.   I created all the ugly in my life all by myself and had no one to blame but myself.

Once I understood what I had done to myself, life started changing and very rapidly.   I became a hypnotherapist seeking to help people understand their choice in life. “To Be a Victim or Not To Be a Victim”, that was the question and one in which I had the answers.  I started specializing in the Law of Attraction in my hypnosis practice, being exceptionally careful with the hypnotic suggestions that I used.   I was doing things in a different way than most hypnotherapists which meant not taking people back to their trauma, but instead weeding out those issues without having to relive them.   I found that one session was all that they needed.

I was being interview on a radio show about my hypnosis CD’s and the radio host who was a psychic said to me, “You are going to be more involved in the Law of Attraction than you have ever dreamed.”    Two weeks later I was live with my own show, Law of Attraction Talk Radio.   I knew nothing about the radio business or about internet radio.  But I did understand that I knew of the mental power we have innately to create our reality.  I started focusing on everything that had to do with Internet radio and making my show more professional.  My listeners were growing rapidly and wanted me to have a show everyday… so I started the Law of Attraction Radio Network where people could hear inspiring new shows every day.  My radio show has been a huge blessing to me because it made me focus on the Law of Attraction every day.   Every show has helped me as much as I hoped it would help my listeners.  As a matter of fact, we were learning together through my guests of experts.  Selfishly, I chose the experts that I wanted to ask questions to help me personally.   How great was that to be able to ask questions of bestselling authors.   As I discovered later,  all the information that I was craving for was exactly the same information that my listeners were craving for.   We truly are all one.

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Even though I had the intuitive knowledge of the concept of the Law of Attraction, it just couldn’t work for me until I started recognizing my role and my perception.  Today, it is still very comfortable to find the victim mode once again, but fortunately, I am able to flip that switch with relative ease now.    I know that I have the choice to be miserable or happy.  The only thing in this world I have control over is my thoughts.   I can change that thought in 90 seconds and get to that better feeling place if I can simply get out of my victim mentality.

Today I have a Radio Network that is heard in over 120 countries and is syndicated on 25 internet radio stations.  We literally have millions of listeners throughout the world and I am so proud to say that we have listeners in Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia and even Israel.  My mission is to literally empower people with the knowledge of what they can create a much better and happier life if they can simply flip that switch of not being a victim.   Believe me, the payoff has much bigger rewards!

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Jewels is the founder of Law of Attraction Talk Radio and Law of Attraction Radio Network which can be found at:  She has an active Hypnotherapy Practice,

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