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Oracle – Potential

Oracle – Potential

With this potential happening in November it is time for you to assume that you have a mission to accomplish using your unique abilities.  Look at it this way:  The world awaits your contributions so put aside your ego-mind that tells you how to market yourself and accept your Spirit-mind which tells you to use your natural creativity without thought for self gain.  It is through your spiritual center, your heart connection that you will truly realize and benefit from unleashing your potential and now is the time.

These “potentials” of November are also urging you to grow more spiritually.  It is time for you to move from the “student”, the “grasshopper”, to the “teacher!”  By taking this step in awareness at this time, you become more focused on your spiritual health and well-being which is important for holding the new energies here on the planet and, at a personal level, as the Dalai Lama says,  is an important practice for preparing to leave the planet, which we all will be doing sooner or later!  This comes from his book: “Advice on Dying and Living a Better Life.”  So, know that this month you are personally changing and growing quickly in your potentials, going from student to teacher.  That at a planetary level, it is changing and growing quickly with us – shaking and blowing here and there, aligning itself with our love for it.  This is the time to use your power to discern truth from fantasy…to separate the real believers from the commercial exploiters or those who are confused or those who are unbalanced.  Let the teachings of Jesus be the guide:  View each person and look for the love and the intelligent, mature spirit that must be there.

We are entering the Age of “Love” – Many say this new age will be the final arena and all the turmoil we will have will be the clashes between those who feel it and those who don’t!  This final dispensation demands that in moving from the student to the teacher that we have learned and integrated what so many wonderful teachers of the past have taught us and this gives tremendous power to those who understand and are responsible in the use of the pure love energy.  This is the time to take responsibility for individual faith, have discernment about what is actually happening around you, not what you were told was going to happen.  Kryon says:  If humans were to know exactly about the end times, God would not have chosen to make the writings of end times so vague and mysterious.  It is up to the individual to take responsibility for the discernment of spirit…not someone else’s interpretation.”  If it resonates with you, it has potential for integration.

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