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The Storm

The Storm

In any one lifetime, we encounter a number of experiences where we are tested and strained to survive some manner of extreme energy. Most recently, the deluge delivered to the east coast of the United States with Hurricane Sandy is our current reality in dealing with forces we might consider more than we can handle. While there is usually a death toll associated with major storms, if we can manage to do a bit of analysis, storms do serve as a testament to our strength and preparedness.

Physically, we have our cycles of highs and lows, which we may label as positive and negative energies. We can sense when we are going through these ups and downs, often aware to the point of feeling wonderful or sick because of them. The same is true for our planetary energies. We have weather patterns that cycle larger fronts of energies of pressure. Labeling these highs and lows again gives us the warning of what our atmosphere is going to be–whether we will enjoy peaceful, bright and sunny skies, or the darkness and volatility associated with a storm.

We weather these changes in different ways, do we not? When we remain calm and centered, our experience is less disruptive. Staying steady in the middle as the changes swirl around us may not be easy, but it can help to brace ourselves or to remain in a safe spot, with few worries about things that are out of our control. That seems to be a key factor in being able to survive an onslaught, whether it is natural or man-made. We must recognize there are things we cannot always manage completely, and trust in the positive energies to see us through it.

When we are sick, physically sick with a disease, where do we place our attention? Do we go through the process with a healing mind, doing the things we expect will help us recover and regain balance? On the other hand, do we keep on doing the same unhealthy or destructive things that made us ill in the first place? Do we keep our refuse close by, or do we discard it in a way that allows us the space to grow and change? When we see a storm, like Hurricane Sandy, on our horizon, do we ignore the warning signs or prepare by doing what we can to hold as steady as we can through it?

There is always a recovery process, always cleaning up to do, the wheel of time turns ever onward through all of whatever pain and difficulty we must experience and we deal with the aftermath. The difference in weathering the storm with preparation and calm balance means we expect the unexpected. We do not let it faze us to the point where we become ineffective, because we realize that only adds to the extreme energies already in play. We roll with the punches, go with the flow, and deal with whatever comes knowing this is the way energies themselves roll and flow along. We become a conduit of the storm, surging along with the power and intensity and, living through that, absorb some of that force ourselves.

Some of us do not make it through; we cannot all survive the experience of dealing with extreme energies. It is a natural progression of change; an experience of living through the power and momentum that invigorates us and pushes our planet onward. We may feel as though we are in the midst of the inner workings of what makes life what it is, at least some of the time. The contrast between the extremes and the center of balance does need to be rectified every so often. We can be grateful that we are not all caught up in the throes of such forceful power all at once–that there are people who care enough to hold energies in a way that helps others.

As the east coast cleans up after this “superstorm,” perhaps we will use this time to think about all the things that need to change and be cleaned up along with it. One of the first things being tallied, along with lives lost, is the cost of the cleanup–how much of a monetary and economic impact this experience will have on so many families and businesses. If even one life is lost we are lessened, but that does not remove the onus of meeting the needs of those who remain. People continue to need adequate shelter, food, clean water, power, and other essential material things in life. Maybe we can stop putting a monetary cost on all of it and just give. Giving is what we are asked, if not expected, to do. Consider it a responsibility we can all share.

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This is a good time to really look at our needs and meet them by giving. We need to come together and help each other, without placing so much worry about the money associated with doing what needs to be done. THAT is how we weather the storm, really–by being prepared no matter what–and taking care of each other by sharing in a giving way.

Time to go see how I can help the most.

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