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Chrysoberyl Crystals: The “Oeil de Chat”

Chrysoberyl Crystals: The “Oeil de Chat”

Properties: Translucent multi-colored stones that are often confused with quartz tiger’s eye. It is most often referred to by the French as “oeil de chat”. Chrysoberl crystals are famous for increasing personal power and deepening spirituality. They help to increase generosity and charitable behavior. This stone promotes forgiveness and offers peace of mind to those who where it. Chrysoberyl can initiate intuition and spark awareness. For acquiring more prosperity, confidence, self-pride and very helpful as a healing tool due to their colors. Amplifies other gems energies. Some are irradiated to turn green. Trust your feeling with each stone. It is a stone that is said to bring self knowledge and protection. Cat’s eye is attuned to leo and is one of the 9 sacred Vedic stones associated with ketu, the south descending node of the moon.

Folk Remedies: This stone is considered to protect the visual center of the brain and helps with eyesight. The eye shaped crystal has an amazing effect on the nervous system and should be worn often. Used to drive away nightmares when placed by the bedside.

Feng Shui: Use this stone in the Southwest for relationships (use two stones), in the Northeast for wealth and good luck. A great stone to be used anywhere you need protection.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 3 and method 5 – 8 (half an hour in the sun).

History: Cat’s Eye, Al2BeO4 + Cr, Ti, was used for protection against the evil eye and black magic. First mentioned by Pliny the Elder, this stone has been used through the centuries for adornment and decoration. Most appealing when cut as a cabachon, Chrysoberyl is a symbol of tolerance, goodness, pride and harmony. Often given to lovers to increase the positive effects on their relationship. German geologist A. G. Werner declared this stone a mineral in its own right in 1800.

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Red Jasper Gemstone Advent Calendar

Andrew Pacholyk MS, L.Ac. Alternative medicine and therapies for healing mind, body & spirit!

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