Spring An Opportunity to Review and Renew
By Diana Blagdon
As we approach the Vernal Equinox in late March we are far enough into the year to take stock and remind ourselves why New Year’s Resolution are not a good idea. If you are one of the rare individuals that managed to make a resolution and actually follow through with it. Good Job! You are in the minority. If you are like most of us and did not attempt to make a resolution or made one and ended up feeling bad and beating yourself up about not succeeding. Spring is a great time to review and renew. You can set or reset your course as you move into this season of increased light, warmth and energy.
The process that I recommend for my clients and use for myself is Transcend and Manifest.
It encourages you to clearly identify goals and provides guidelines to help clarify and refine your true desires.
Here’s how it works:
Allow yourself to settle into a quiet peaceful frame of mind. For this part of the process calming music or a walk in the woods with a journal ideally sets the stage.
Begin by noting something you would like to achieve. For the sake of this example we will work on only one. You can choose to work on as many or as few as you wish. Your choice can be a behavior or a personal habit you wish to change. It can be a possession you wish to obtain or intangibles like inner peace or joy.
Accurately stating the goal impacts how it manifests.
The more specific you are with the goal statement the greater the likelihood of achieving your desire.
Begin by stating in positive terms the results you choose to create:
I choose to own a beautiful sports car
Specify the benefits you would receive from the achievement of the goal:
Owning a beautiful sports car keeps me feeling young Owning a beautiful sports car saves room in my garage.
By thinking about the benefits you focus your attention on what you want. It is important that you do not give energy to how you will achieve it.
Get clear on the benefits to you specifically.
Your success is impacted if:
- Your goals are about things you can control. (not someone else’s behavior)
- You know what will change when you manifest your goal.
- You are willing to define benchmarks for your success.
- You make choices that are valuable and meaningful to you.
Once you have recorded what you think your goal is check in to verify the validity to you personally.
Answer the following question “If I had this today would I accept it?” If the answer is no then rewrite your goal.
When the answer is yes write your goal so that it begins with I Choose.
I choose to own a red sports car.
Take time each day to reflect on your choice. Literally write them on a card and place them where you will see them each morning when you first arise. Picture it on the card. Take time to notice what it feels like to choose to own a beautiful red sports car. Before you get out of bed imagine what it will feel like behind the wheel of your beautiful red sports car. Keep the image in front of you as you move through the day. Upon retiring at night repeat and notice the feeling of the words “I choose to own a beautiful red sports car”. Find the ways that work best for you to recognize and reinforce the joy of owning that car.
If you are tired of the disappointment of New Year’s Resolution and would like to set a course of positive, powerful self directed achievement. Let this exercise empower you to clarify goals that create achievable choices for your life. Nothing is beyond your reach!
I can personally vouch for the credibility of the process. Several years ago my goal was “I choose to become a published author” today I am a contributor to OM Times Magazine and have a book that should be published this summer.
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Email diana@dianablagdon.com and I will send you a PDF of the worksheet. Resolve to Choose Today and contact me at www.dianablagdon.com to see if I can help you.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality