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Fulfilling Living through Oracle’s Guidance – Day 0

Fulfilling Living through Oracle’s Guidance – Day 0

Darity Wesley

Oracles in Tibetan Buddhism continue to play an important part in their religion and in their government. For Tibetans, oracles are the spirits that enter those men and women who act as a medium between the natural and spiritual realms.  The Dali Lama is said to still consult an oracle.

If you remember The Matrix trilogy, we find the “Oracle” there too – this brings the concept on into the modern world.  The Oracle in The Matrix was consulted by Neo and by others and even though they say she was a separate program within The Matrix, her job was to bring resolution which, indeed she did, by allowing the free will of Neo to work, and simply pointing him in directions he needed to go.  So, oracles are still alive and well and are still accessible and provide information.  The key is, you either resonate with it or not.  If not, you pay it no mind.  If you do, know it is a signpost only for your very own free will to contemplate.

As a featured columnist for OM-Times, I have been writing its monthly Oracle since 2010 and for its 30 Day Consciousness Challenge I will be creating an “Oracle of the Day” for you to cogitate, contemplate and integrate for your spiritual journey.  Enjoy the Oracle.  It is written just for you!

See Also

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