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Discover The 36 Divine Female Archetypes

Discover The 36 Divine Female Archetypes

36 Divine Females Archetypes

The Divine Feminine is returning.  Here are eight well-known Divine Females Archetypes embodying their special qualities, such as beauty, abundance, healing, and Inspiration.

Discover The 36 Divine Female Archetypes To Help With Love, Success, and Happiness

By Laurie Sue Brockway



We need our Divine Mother, and she needs us. It’s time to remember and honor Her.

Our early ancestors saw the Divine Feminine as the source of All That Is, and they depended on her to sustain their very lives. Her power was expressed in the image and stories of literally thousands of goddesses. Many of the world’s cultures continue to worship, honor, and pray to female deities. The Hindu, Buddhist, and Tibetan civilizations, and the indigenous cultures of the Americas and Africa, are among those that have always communed with the Divine Feminine.

Thousands of goddesses from many cultures, known by various names and images, represent the feminine aspects of divinity and aspects of our humanity. They’re wild and mild, rugged and soft, compassionate, and passionate; they’re virgins and queens, mothers and daughters. They’re rulers of the universe who can transform the planet, nurse a baby, and simultaneously love their consorts. Their images, energy, and the very concept of female divinity can heal us, empower us, instruct us, and help us find our way on life’s rocky path. They give us permission to be all we can be.

Here are eight well-known goddesses seeking their special qualities—such as beauty, abundance, healing, and Inspiration. Here are some quick ways to connect with the energy and qualities of these famous divine females.
The Goddess Pages

Divine Female Archetype #1 – Venus: Love Yourself

Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality, is one of the most famous goddesses on the planet and has her own planet—Venus, poetry, music, pleasure, and love. Her name is synonymous with all that is feminine and with love and passion. She is reputed for her sizzling sexuality, her thorough enjoyment of her own exploits, and for a complete and utter appreciation of self.

Special qualities: Inspiring love, romance, and self-love

Evoke Her: Create special vows of love—to yourself, such as I promise to treat myself well and offer the same kindness, love, and compassion to myself as I do others. I will always honor and cherish myself. Speak them as you look into a mirror.

Affirmation: “I am worthy of love.”



Divine Female Archetype #2 – Kuan Yin: Find Compassion

Kuan Yin is the Chinese Buddhist goddess of compassion, mercy, and healing. She is the “Compassionate Saviouress” worshiped for centuries throughout China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. Known also as Quan Yin and Guan Shih Yin, she is the patron and protector of women, children, sailors, artisans, and those who are imprisoned.

Her name is translated as the being who hears the cries of the world. She is a Bodhisattva, which in Buddhism is a human being who has completed all Karma and reached enlightenment. Special qualities: Compassionate, caring, loving-kindness, healing human pain.

Evoke her: Chant to her any time. Her powers and gifts can be invoked by calling her name or chanting the famous “Mani”: Om Mani Padme Hum (Ohm mah’-nee pahd’-may hoom).

Affirmation: “I forgive myself for any ways in which I have disappointed myself or others. And I forgive others for disappointing me.”


Divine Female Archetype #3 – Brigid: Find Your Inspiration

Brigid is the Celtic Triple Goddess known as the keeper of the sacred fire. Her name means “exalted one,” and she is sometimes referred to as a “bride.” Goddess of poets, blacksmiths, brides, and childbirth, she watched over the hearth, fire, fertility, creativity, healing. As a triple goddess, she represents the three aspects of the divine feminine and three stages of a woman’s life—maiden, mother, and wise woman—all in one.

Special Qualities: Empowering self-expression and bringing new ideas into the world, and giving them life. Evoke her: The ancients lit a candle in her honor for nineteen days, and it was said on the twentieth the goddess appeared. Light a candle and visualize that whatever you are trying to create—or work through—is completed.

Affirmation: “Inspiration fills me. My creativity flows easily.”

36 Divine Females Archetypes


Divine Female Archetype #4 – Isis: Heal Your Relationships

Isis is one of the earliest and most important goddesses in ancient Egypt. Her worship was a major part of Egyptian culture just over two thousand years ago; her image abounds on the walls of Egyptian temples and tombs and in museums around the world. Known as a healer, physician, enchantress, magician, patron of women in childbirth, mother, and devoted wife, she is referred to as Goddess of Ten Thousand Names. In her eternal relationship with her beloved Osiris—her brother, husband, lover, and co-ruler—she shared the same soul. When he was killed, Osiris became King of the Underworld and Isis the Queen of Heaven, together they rule still.

Special qualities: Commitment in the long haul, devotion, and keeping relationships sacred.

Evoke her: Her image lives on in ancient temples and reliefs. She is often seen carrying an ankh, a symbol of eternal life. Buy an ankh necklace or download an image and place it somewhere you can see it daily.

Affirmation: “I am in you. You are in me.”


Divine Female Archetype #5 – The Muses: Honor Female Friendship

The muses, the Greek deities who presided over the arts, are among the most familiar mythical women. Although the numbers varied from region to region, the classical period in Greece established them as nine. Each had their own distinct area of expertise: Calliope was Muse of epic poetry; Clio, history; Erato, the lyre; Euterpe, the flute; Polyhymnia, hymns and mime; Terpsichore, dance; Thalia, comedy; Urania, astronomy; and their mother, Mnemosyne, Muse of tragedy and memory. Hesiod suggested that the Muses were Greece’s ultimate party girls, “their hearts set upon the song, and their spirit is free from care.” Taking great pleasure in merriment, good food, and celebration, they helped mortals lighten up and allow their creativity to flow.

Special qualities: Inspiration for creative endeavors, joyful self-expression, and sacred sisterhood.

Evoke them: Call together your favorite women, gather in a sacred circle, make declarations about your creative endeavors, and promise to support each other in fulfilling your dreams.

Affirmation: “My life is filled with muses who inspire me in all ways.”


Divine Female Archetype #6 – Green Tara: Feel Protected

Tara is the much-loved Tibetan Buddhist mother goddess. Monks and devotees worldwide chant and evoke her energies daily, calling upon her everything from world peace to inner peace and protection. Tara is worshiped in mild and wild forms and exists in a rainbow of colors based on various attributes. As Green Tara, she is a goddess of action, great strength, and special protective powers who wards off evil and shields you from spiritual harm. Special powers: Deflecting negative energy, overcoming danger, quelling fear, and anxiety.

Evoke her: Light incense and chant her mantra. “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha,” (Ah-um Tah-ray Too-tah-ray Too-ray So-hah)

Affirmation: “I am safe and sound in the arms of the Mother.”


Divine Female Archetype #7 – White Buffalo Calf Woman: Create Peace

White Buffalo Calf Woman is a Native American spirit woman considered a holy woman-savior who came here to give instructions for living the sacred life to “The People.” In Native American Culture, she is credited with helping the Lakota and Sioux establish rituals and a sacred social life that would bring them closer to Great Spirit, the Great Mother, and one another and teach them how to perpetuate peace and honesty in their world.

See Also

Special qualities: Activating your ability to build a peaceful community and spread peace.

Evoke her: Focus on peace, every day. Take a “peace break” in lieu of a coffee break, and softly or silently chant Peace to my right. Peace to my left. Peace in front of me. Peace in back of me. Peace above me. Peace below me. Peace within me. Peace all about. Peace abounds. Peace is mine.

Affirmation: “I radiate peace everywhere I go.”


Divine Female Archetype #8 – The Great Goddess: Connecting to the Feminine

The Great Goddess is the Great Mother of all things. The earliest artifacts of goddess worship date back over 40,000 years, and many believe that the first God worshipped as a woman. She is the earth we stand on, the air we breathe, the fire we cook with, the waters of life that sustain us, and the spirit that lives inside us and all around us. She can be found in the history, mythology, sacred texts, spiritual practices, and folklore of every culture. In the beginning, she was Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, and Gaia. In modern times, she’s come to be known as Mother Nature.

Special qualities: Connects you to all ancestors and all women, unconditional love, and nurturing.

Evoke her: Spend time in nature. A walk in the park, a talk on the patio, a hike up a mountain, a moment gazing at the full moon, a swim in the sea will all bring you closer. Affirmation: “We are all the children of the Great Mother.”


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Adapted from The Goddess Pages: 36 Divine Females to Guide You To More Love, Success, and Happiness. © 2020 Laurie Sue Brockway. All rights reserved. Used with permission from Goddess Communications, LLC.



About the Author

Goddess Pages-Reclaiming Eve-OMTIMESEvery woman could use Goddess wisdom in her life. The Goddess Pages feature thirty-six of the most revered spiritual heroines from around the world. Use this book to call upon each one for support, guidance, and Inspiration. Evoke their unique strengths through rituals, meditations, gatherings, prayers, blessings, and fun and creative activities.

For more information, visit Rev. Laurie Sue at


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