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Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 21

Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 21

These animals symbolize human emotions and represent our physical sensations at each level of perception. A snake seems non-emotional, instinctual and focused on survival. It is sensing a material world with touch, taste, smell, and is very practical. A jaguar who is a fierce hunter and provider displays both anger and nurturing, yet he is also curious and playful. He relies on the five physical senses as well as an ability to assess his environment for danger, choose priorities, and feel the pleasure of playfulness. A hummingbird has a lighthearted non-attached nature. It seems joyful to flit around sampling the sweetness of life. Life takes on more meaning at this level and we see opportunities where there are problems. We assign meaning within the context of our lives being an epic journey. An eagle seems calm, in control, and wise. As he soars above the physical world, his sensations are of the air, not the earth. Physical matter is nearly irrelevant at this point of view.

When you change your perception, you change your experience. These four levels of perception are also symbolic of the physical world and your body (snake), the realm of thoughts and your mind (jaguar), the realm of myth and your soul (hummingbird), and the world of spirit and your energetic system (eagle). As representative of body, mind, soul, and spirit, you can dialogue with your inner snake, jaguar, hummingbird and eagle just as you have done with committee members. These four realms (world, thoughts, myth, spirit) are nested. When you shift from one level to the next, you are still able to function in the lower realm while experiencing the perspective of the higher realms.

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