New Agreements for Living: Interview with Don Miguel Ruiz Jr
SS: And is this how can we attain true freedom? By letting go?
MRJ: I believe that we acquire freedom when we become aware that in our hands is the power of our intent. When I say ‘yes’ and something will be done, and I say ‘no’ and it won’t be done. When I become aware that this is the power that I have, I am free.?When we say to ourself that we love ourself unconditionally, that we accept who we are at this very moment, we are saying that at this very moment in life, this is who I am. The person that I used to be even a day ago doesn’t exist anymore because it is the past and the future is the consequence of my action now, so everything that is real is only at this very moment.?By knowing that you have the capacity to change as long as you are alive, everything becomes possible. To accept that in yourself and to take full responsibility of that, that is freedom.
Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., is a Nagual, or a Toltec Master of Transformation. He is a direct descendant of the Toltecs of the Eagle Night lineage, and is the son of don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements. He is the author of the newly released book The Five Levels of Attachment: Toltec Wisdom for a Modern World (2013 Hierophant Publishing) distributed by Red Wheel/Weiser. Now available at and .
He lives in Sacramento, California with his wife and two children.
For information, please visit Miguel’s website:
Dirk Terpstra is an intuitive speaker, coach and certified HeartMath trainer. Dirk carries out a simple message: You can only be at peace, feel fulfilled and be valuable to others, when you are honest with yourself and start closing the gap between who you appear to be and who you really are. You will then discover that you are beautiful and that all the answers already lie inside of you.