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Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 18

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 18

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 18

The Path to God Is through Our Hearts!

The most important spiritual practice is to open the heart to Divine love. We cannot find God without first reaching our heart. Until we come to that place of love, we have nothing. All of the Great Ones had to come to that Supreme Unconditional Love. Devotion and love are the essence of the spirit and of life itself.

It is in the heart that we feel for others and for those who are close to us. When we establish our ultimate relationship with God, we grow closer in that relationship through our daily prayers and worship and chanting and spiritual companionship. Our heart opens a little bit at a time. The movement is incredibly subtle.

We are like a child being carried by the mother from one room to the other. The child doesn’t know the mother has lifted her when she was asleep to move her to bed, but the movement has taken place. In the path of devotion, love, and surrender, we work to erase our ego and to present a clean slate to our Beloved.

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It is not always easy to perceive, it is not always easy to understand, how God is moving us. Only the Divine Mother knows. The child does not know. The Divine Mother takes us from one level of consciousness to the other, in a continual process, without our knowing it.

That is the reason we should never lose heart. Even if at times we are not experiencing any intense yearning or love for God, don’t lose heart. Our perseverance and steadfastness are what God wants to see in us, not what we do. Are we ready to persevere in spite of the fact that we have not experienced anything whatsoever? Is our movement, wish, love, subject to certain experiences? If it is subject to certain experiences, we are putting obstacles in the path of our devotion and realization.

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