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Serena Dyer: Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You

Serena Dyer: Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You

Wayne Dyer and Serena Dyer

My mom is innately that way.

My dad started out with a very different message and now he is just infused with this idea that we are all coming from divine love, so his whole message is about divine, spiritual love. But it wasn’t always that message – before that, it was more about motivation, about achieving and about letting go of the ego.

Serena-Dyer _OMTimesMy mom always was this person that was filled with divine love, she offered it to everyone, she always had this angelic quality about her.

She also never drank alcohol, never did drugs, doesn’t even drink coffee and she’s always been in tune with nature and doing what is natural and what feels good.

My mom always was so much the spiritual leader in the household. My dad has been that way too but just differently.

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Rebecca Schaper

My parents are technically married but they have been separated for over 12 years now and in this period they also see other people, like my mom has had the same boyfriend for twelve years now, but what is really neat to see is that they have become closer and closer friends. This can only take place when you have two people that are really committed to live in a spiritual practice.

I would therefore say that both of my parents have always been very spiritual, but my mom has always been very natural about it, where my dad had to learn some of these lessons more on his own I think.

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