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Serena Dyer: Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You

Serena Dyer: Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You

Wayne Dyer and Serena Dyer

DIRK TERPSTRA: You once wrote: “One of the biggest lessons I have learned from Oprah Winfrey is that of setting your intentions, becoming what it is you want to attract (not just asking for it), and then most important, letting go”. When I read that, I was kind of surprised because I thought that your own dad would have taught you that already a long time ago.

Serena Dyer: I always say this to people when they find out that I never really read any of my dad’s books: “If you’re dad was let’s say Mick Jagger, would you play his CD’s in your car on your way to work?” Probably not because you hear it all the time at home.

Even though I might have a dad that’s teaching these lessons and goes out into the world to spread this very message, sometimes hearing it from somebody else has more of an impact. It’s like you can raise your children with these same ideas but maybe if they hear my dad say it, it might be more impactful just like if I heard you say it it might be more impactful than hearing my own dad say it.

See Also

The way Oprah has inspired me personally is that she created her own lifestyle brand that never really existed before. What I like so much about her is that she knew what she liked, which was to be around people, to talk to people and to talk about ideas and to tell stories. But there isn’t really a career path that fits into that and she created it for herself. She then taught other people how to do the same thing and that’s what I like so much. My dad has done that in a way too, but what I said, I hear my dad all the time.

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