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Joe Vitale: Miracles through Ho’oponopono

Joe Vitale: Miracles through Ho’oponopono


As you clean and clear your limiting beliefs, that suppressed energy is now available to you to use and floods into your being. Now you can be more prolific, productive, efficient, and effective. You can attract more. You can achieve more because you’ve got all of your energy working.

It’s a bit like waking up in the morning and, instead of having 100% fuel in your system, you only have 65% fuel, and you drag yourself through the day never realizing that the other remaining percentage was all wrapped up in your mind and body. Now you have 100% energy and when you wake up with that, you feel like a dynamo. You can accomplish virtually anything.

Omtimes: Can you explain the “whiteboard” as a metaphor for Divinity?

JoeVitale: It’s the background to all the chatter in our minds. It’s the sky where the clouds appear. It’s the essence of who we are when we release programs.

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I started using the idea of a whiteboard when I realized talking about God or Divinity often stirred up preconceived ideas in people. I needed a clean metaphor. Everyone’s seen a whiteboard at a talk or a seminar, so it’s something anyone can imagine, and no one has an issue with it.

I tell people to imagine a whiteboard with beliefs written on it – whatever it is that’s bothering them and is in the way of them being here in the moment and totally grateful. For example, it could be a belief, an energy block, or an unknown feeling that doesn’t sit well with them. Then, as they say the four phrases of ho’oponopono, they simply imagine an eraser wiping that thought or feeling off the whiteboard.

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