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Your Invisible Shield

Your Invisible Shield


Many of us are drawn to the sea and we often find ourselves seeking out the nearest coastline. Have you ever been to the beach and noticed how acutely aware you feel afterwards, and how you feel simultaneously relaxed and invigorated? It’s not just the healing qualities of sun or the sound of those crashing waves, but it’s the combination of the salt from the ocean and the air that ionize your aura, cleansing and strengthening it, and leaving you feeling refreshed. Going to the beach is a great tonic, it’s almost as if all your problems are washed away. No wonder bath salts are such a hit!

A strong, well-balanced, and cleansed aura is essential to everyone, both on a physical and spiritual level. That’s why I’ve decided to devote this newsletter to the importance of special energy source, and I hope you learn a bit more, and understand how it works.

We should all make a conscious effort to achieve a powerful auric field, as we’re constantly bombarded by external influences. Your aura can be affected by your state of mind and body, your emotions, the people around you, as well as your immediate environment. If it becomes weak, you can easily become tired or drained, or in the most severe cases, you may feel powerless to make choices or decisions. If this continues, physical symptoms will become noticeable, as will mental and emotional imbalances. In these severe cases, seek out the advice of your doctor.

Your aura is a wonderful early-detection system. It will alert you early on, so you’ll have time to do something about it. When it’s healthy and strong, it acts as a protective shield. Your aura can be strengthened in a number of different ways. It doesn’t require a lot of work and can help you remain healthy, improve your psychic abilities, keep you safe, and attract only what’s best for you.

As always, I like to stress the importance of regular physical exercise and being outdoors in the sunshine, breathing in fresh air – rich in oxygen and Prana. This will help strengthen and revitalize your aura. So if you work in an air-conditioned office with artificial lights, really make an effort to go out for a short revitalizing walk at lunchtime – even if it’s just for ten minutes.

Diet and a healthy lifestyle play a big part in keeping your aura balanced, and as I constantly preach – do everything in moderation. Too much alcohol, tobacco, or the dreaded fast food will have a negative effect on your aura, and will weaken your overall energy system. Just becoming more aware of your aura is a great start to understanding how vital your aura is to your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


 John’s Lesson

You get dressed every morning to protect yourself from the elements, right? Well, this is a perfect time to place a protective thought around your aura. Try this exercise every day this week. Before you start your busy day, take a few moments to become aware of your aura as a brilliant white light that acts as an invisible shield that surrounds and stays with you throughout your day and evening.

Take time to rest and relax as much as possible, and of course, make time to meditate, as you’ll be building your psychic strength and reinforcing your precious aura. Here are two affirmations that may be chanted at the beginning of your day and several times throughout the day.

“Positive energy surrounds me at all times.”

See Also

“I am now aware of the importance of protecting my aura.”

Have a SOUL filled week!

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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