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Bruce Lipton: The Secret of Life is Belief

Bruce Lipton: The Secret of Life is Belief

This dis empowers people, and if you find yourself powerless, especially in life issues, then you seek a healer, a powerful source to take care of you. So you give up control with the knowledge that other people can control you. We then go to the doctor and he gives us medication and the pharmaceutical companies make all these drugs. But what are they supposed to do? Compensate for the genes that I got that are not working the way I like them to work. Therefore, this dis-empowerment makes us a victim and once we’re a victim we pay other people to take care of ourselves.

The difference with the new biology is that genes are not self-actualizing. Genes don’t make a decision. Genes don’t turn on and off. This is completely antagonistic to everybody’s belief, but genes are actual blueprints and this is very important to understand. When you go into an architect’s office and the architect is working on some blueprints, you could ask the architect: “Is this blueprint on or is it off?” The architect would look at you and say: “It’s a blueprint! There’s no on or off!” Genes are blueprints and yet we give them the power by believing that they turn on and off and they control things. They have no more control than a paper blueprint!

“It’s our response to the world that selects the genetic activity and therefore we are the ones that are influencing the genetics and behavior of the system.” – Bruce Lipton


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When we look at the amount of illness and health crises that are out there in the world, it has been recognized that less than 1% of disease is related to genes. So if 1% is related to genes, where’s the other 99% of ill-health coming from? That’s related to the way we live our lives. We are the ones that can make the changes! In contrast to the programming that ‘I am a victim and powerless in my life’, the new biology says “You are the master! You are the one that can change your genetics. You are the one that can overcome illness.” But in fact, you are the one that created the illness in the first place. You have been programmed to believe that you’re just a victim of things happening to you, and we all buy into that very easily.

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