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Bruce Lipton: The Secret of Life is Belief

Bruce Lipton: The Secret of Life is Belief

So we added the placebo effect in the medical school curriculum and maybe there’s a class, one morning in the four years of education, in which the professor explains that the mind controls biology (and we know that up to two thirds of the healing is due to the mind).

But what the traditional teachings don’t want to emphasize is that negative thinking is equally powerful but works in the opposite direction. So a positive thought can heal you and in absolute biological scientific truth, a negative thought can kill you! So now we’re talking about the power of thought. If we leave out that negative thoughts are influential, it becomes a disempowering point because it’s a fact that most of our thoughts are negative and redundant in the first place. It’s the negative thinking that’s influencing your life and taking you away from the direction you want to go in.

All of the above has been left out of the equation because medicine would prefer to see the body as just a physical and chemical machine, run by a computer called genes, and therefore by adjusting the machinery we can control your health. Bringing the mind into the story is too confusing.

In conventional medicine, it’s therefore much easier to give somebody a pill. If you leave the thought out, then we get results and diseases we can’t even explain because we deny that there’s any power in the thought.

In the new biology that’s coming up, it starts with your consciousness, that your mind is the primary element that will control the faith that you have in your life. How you see the world is how you adjust your biology. People will then start to understand that it’s their responsibility to understand if they are having a problem with the world, before they go out and blame other things and people, which is our tendency. We must first come back to our own understanding. But if you never learned this, you are by definition a victim. Not a victim of the body, but a victim of a lack of knowledge.


See Also
Tarotscope October 6 2023

Interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Part 2

In Part 2 of our interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton, we speak about the conscious and subconscious mind and Dr. Bruce Lipton explains why it is so hard to change your beliefs with your conscious, creative mind.

Connect with Bruce Lipton

Connect with Bruce Liption at

About the Author

Connect with Dirk Terpstra, at

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