Creative Forces In Our Past Life Energy
Creative Forces In Our Past Life Energy
Creative Force: Past Life Journeys
Take a moment to think about the places your soul has traveled! In other lifetimes, you had a different name and face, yet acquired valuable knowledge, learned soul lessons and experienced human existence as a physical being much different than you are now. Consider the things you must have learned during your time there – incredible things you might have discovered, invented, imagined, drawn or invested in as well as people you helped to heal, thrive and live a better life. These were all things that are possibly unknown to you in this life; however, they defined you in another era of time on Earth.
Many times, when we ponder reincarnation and past life knowledge, we think of healing physical, emotional and mental trauma. If we take up the frequency and tap into creative force energies, we will gain insight into so much more!
Creative Force: Past Life Knowledge
You and many people you know may have special affection for and often talk of or visit certain places you and they feel drawn to. If so, chances are the soul has lived there in a past lifetime. It could be so vivid in the mind of an artist, who has never seen the ocean, yet can draw it in miraculous detail without a photograph, knowing they have walked on its shores and bathed in its rippling current. Children are born with unexplainable memories of living a life here they could not possibly have known about, and have described in detail real people who have crossed over long ago.
In addition, there has been tremendous success in alternative healing with past life regression. In this era of rapid evolutionary ascension, we will tap into creative forces, ideas and miracles never seen before. The codes, keys and mysteries will become known. We will continue to show our gratitude and good intentions in helping to empower each other in the creation of a healed planet Earth.
Creative Force: Past Life Healing
Those who live through ego will most likely not believe we are given many lives for our soul’s perfection. Ego forces escape, but makes this no less true in the spiritual realms. Those who live in soul recognition more readily accept and live by this concept. Their minds are programmed to believe a loving God gives us many choices, lives, chances and adventures. Each life we live is meant to be lived with purpose. Seeing life as a great journey, one that we chart with special life themes enables us to continue working towards unveiling the mysteries we are destined to solve. As humans, we enter a playing field of souls with endless opportunities and boundless heights. We propel forward into the creative force, the mystical magic of sparkling manifestation.
Every time you feel your very soul survival being tested, you have the ability to call on spiritual guidance and help. Although linear time exists here, on the Other Side of this dimension, time does not exist. Explained in metaphysical terms, everything is happening at once. There is knowledge in your soul’s existence that can go back thousands of years in Earth time. Conversely, you can also glimpse into the future to gain insight and knowledge, which will assist in moving humanity forward and offer a better understanding of our need for peace and coexistence.
Creative Force: Past Life Lessons
It is time to heal old wounds and let in the light of a new existence here. A collective and unified society can accomplish much by joining together in spiritual knowledge, using energies and alliances now magnified more than at any other time we have known. As this energy grows, more people will go from feeling victimized to feeling empowered. Their souls will bring in new intuition to connect to what they have already learned, as well as gifts they have used in the past and memories that live deep within just waiting to be reborn. These experiences are all coming alive in the creative force of a new light of understanding. There is a reason, rhyme and purpose behind the pain and the joy. We have learned something and our spirits have grown stronger. We have laughed, felt joy and had our hearts broken, too.
Creative Force: Past Life Spark
We have been bouncing around the cosmos as light being souls since we were born from the stars. Our past life is full of creative force, color and spark! It has something to say to you. Your light can never go out. Your consciousness is alive and always will be. Through countless experiences and a myriad of perspectives, there is not a soul like you anywhere. No one else has lived your lives or made the exact same choices. Creating the life you deserve here and now, in living your purpose with joy and meaning, is a true gift from Heaven, in this life and every other.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. Email:
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.