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Stephen Cipes: The Wine of Spirit

Stephen Cipes: The Wine of Spirit

Stephen Cipes

Stephen Cipes: The Wine of Spirit

Former New York Developer Stephen Cipes builds Organic Winery and Spiritual Center.

Stephen Cipes is the winner of the prestigious Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, the man at “Canada’s most visited winery” and he seems more a spiritual visionary than Wall Street hard-nose.

When Stephen Cipes first visited the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada in 1986, the New York developer believed he’d found unique conditions to produce “intensely flavored small grapes”–the perfect base for sparkling wine.

Cipes brought grape clones from France and personally planted them on his hands and knees.

Summerhill follows organic growing practices. No herbicides or pesticides “keeps the lake clean and our grapes don’t taste from the chemicals,” says Cipes. “These grapes are happy guys, they’re flourishing. Our wines are allowing nature to speak for herself.” Summerhill wines are regularly honored in international competitions. “We won the gold medal in Champagne France,” he beams, “against French Champagne.

But Cipes initiated something very unusual – he constructed a gigantic pyramid in Canada’s natural landscape. The Summerhill Pyramid is second only to the Great Pyramid of Egypt for alignment and precision.

The knowingness of eternity awaits us in this sacred chamber. The word Py-ra-mid means “fire in the middle”. We all have this fire in the middle. It is our hearts, our souls. We are mostly liquid and we are affected just like the wine is affected. The effect is clarification. If a wine has a flaw in it, the flaw is accentuated. If the wine has good qualities, they are enhanced.

We humans are mostly liquid so when we enter this sacred chamber, it is a grand opportunity to clarify our own inner selves. This chamber helps us to get to the knowingness of who we are. We are electrical in nature, with impulses running from our brains through our spinal columns. We are receivers, we are conduits, and this chamber enhances our receptiveness, opening the left and right sides of our brains, much like the dolphins, whales, and elephants who are in touch with Essence, the all-one ‘soul of the world’.

Dirk Terpstra speaks with Stephen Cipes.

I am here together with a beautiful man. His name is Stephen Cipes. Stephen is the proprietor of the Summerhill Pyramid Winery in beautiful Kelowna, BC. I have the honor to be here in the middle of the pyramid that he built so beautifully.

Dirk Terpstra: How come the interest for pyramids in general? Where did it start?

Stephen Cipes: I am fascinated with sacred geometry. I am fascinated with ancient civilizations and, of course, I am fascinated with life itself. My fascination with pyramids is something that has always drawn me. I just feel, maybe I was part of the original pyramids, maybe I wasn’t but we are all in this together so to speak. There are pyramids all over the world. Why is that? There are ancient civilizations all over the world that have had these sacred geometry chambers. What was their purpose?

I think that I have come to some answers, now that we have had almost 30 years of, I would call them ‘experiments with liquids’ in a sacred geometry chamber. We now know, for a fact, that liquids are clarified… a wine or a juice, or water that comes into the pyramid, that has flaws. those flaws will be accentuated while good qualities will be accentuated. Just as we, humans, are mostly liquid, if a person walks into this chamber after just having had an upsetting incident, they will want to turn around and walk right back out because it is intensified. And most of the visitors to the Summerhill Pyramid are here on a holiday and are having a good time… they come in here and they don’t want to leave! That alone is a beautiful thing to understand.

We all learn so much from the pyramid. It is a grand clarifier – a magnificent opportunity to go within and to heal ourselves. We all know that we are our own best healers. No one can heal us. But we can heal ourselves. And when we come into a sacred chamber like the pyramid, it is perhaps the most conducive atmosphere in which to focus on ourselves. We can lose ourselves, so to speak, in a grander dimension. It allows us to open all the dimensions.

Our right and left-brain merge in the negative ion chamber and become one, much like the dolphins and the whales and the elephants, as we become attuned to our electrical bodies. Which by the way, per physics theorist Nassim Haramein, is the way our bodies and all of nature are structured. He goes on to say that the actual cells are made of atoms, and atoms are made of pyramidal geometry. The pyramid is ‘Py-Ra-Mid’ – ‘Fire in the Middle’, which is representative of our microcosm of the universe bodies’ beating heart, our fire in the middle!

The pyramid is all about coming into our hearts and being one with all that is. Its properties are so conducive. It allows us to rise in consciousness with instant meditation and, as I say, welcome all the entities, even those beyond the sun who long to communicate. By the way, I have built a prototype of a precision light beam pyramid that can be erected for less than two hundred dollars!

Dirk Terpstra: What is the oneness as you see it? How do you experience it?

Stephen Cipes: We each have the magnificent power within us to affect our entire creation – We ARE God. We ARE Love. Everyone in their heart of hearts knows this most powerful of the universal truths. It is foolish for us to bow down to a separate fear-based illusion that is not us. We need to take back our power. We need to be who we are… we are grand beings, in every way. There is no entity on any other plane, in the whole universe, that has more ability to Know, than we do.

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As we attune our bodies with alive food and with rest and exercise and open our Selves to receive and become conduits of spirit, we are capable of not only living a whole lot longer than we live in these beautiful physical bodies, but we are capable of brilliant communication with the entire universe. It is magnificent who we are. Our biggest fear is our own grandness.

Dirk Terpstra: Yes, and the scientists still have a hard time to understand this and they cannot agree what it exactly is that causes the first heartbeat to start. It’s a mystery.

Stephen Cipes: Well, I have theories about life force energy, which, we all do. But electrum is a word. It is a mighty word. It encompasses our electrical ability to communicate with each other and to have all that we are be one and communicate. When one of us, just one of the 8 billion of us that are in body, not to mention the billions and billions of us that are on the ethereal plane, has an epiphany – I call it a jolt – it reaches out to all of us. It touches all of us! It is phenomenal. It is fantastic. It is magnificent. There are no words to describe it.

Yes, so our receiving abilities are enhanced by opening our feminine receiving energy, which is more difficult for us men, because we have X Y chromosomes while women are X X and it is easier for them, but we men can do it!


Dirk Terpstra: How do we embrace our feminine energy?

Stephen Cipes: I do it by focusing on the pituitary gland which emanates as a purple strobe in the middle of our forehead. And focusing on the breathing and letting go of my masculine ego self, so to speak, and I come into a whole new realm. I get the sound of the universe coming into my ears, my body starts to vibrate. I sit up with my back straight.

Oneness is a responsibility and perhaps the greatest gift. It is a gift we need to accept. Acceptance of gifts is something that is very difficult for me. My whole life I have been giving and giving and wouldn’t take from anyone. It came out in the form of some serious illnesses which I have, knock on wood, overcome. But it was a great lesson. Sometimes illnesses teach us our greatest lessons. One of my greatest lessons was to open to receive, and to be grateful and to accept gifts. I am now flourishing and receiving beautiful gifts from almost all that surrounds me. We are all each other’s teachers and we are all beautiful holy beings, one with God, all there is.

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