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Unveiling Isis

Unveiling Isis

Isis OMTimes

Have you read Madame H.P. Blavatsky seminal work, Isis Unveiled?

Blavatsky and Unveiling Isis

by Marguerite Dar BoggiaOMTimes Digital eZineMadame H.P. Blavatsky wrote Isis Unveiled(1) by reading invisible records in the astral light (also called the Akashic records). She also received help from the Masters. All that has ever transpired has ever been spoken or written can be read in the invisible records in space surrounding our globe, which is also called the “etheric body of our globe.”

According to Madame Blavatsky, the Astral Light is identical with the Hindu Akasa.(2) Akasa is the subtle, supersensuous spiritual essence which pervades all space; It is the veil or concretization of the highest spiritual, while the earth is the concretization of the astral light.(3)

The purpose of her book was and is to reveal the dogmatic assumptions of modern science and theology and to offer the Platonic philosophy as the only middle ground. She also explores the vast domain of the paranormal. The motivating power of the man and the universe, she shows to be spiritual, not material.

To appreciate the prejudice which has marked the treatment of psychological subjects in the past, she reviewed the book “Histoire du Merveilleux dans Les Temps Modernes” published by its author, Dr. Figuier. It has teemed of quotations from the most conspicuous authorities in psychology, psychology, and medicine. It was not facts but merely the way in which such facts were regarded by those, who were recognized as authorities, that she wanted to demonstrate to the reader.

Blavatsky begins with the Convulsionnaires of Cevennes, the epidemic of whose astounding phenomena occurred during the latter part of 1700. They were a French religious sect.(4) A mere handful of men, women, and children, not exceeding 2,000 persons in number, could withstand for years king’s troops, which, with the militia, amounted to 60,000 men. That is a miracle in itself. On page 370 she writes: “There is in existence an official report which was sent to Rome by the ferocious Abbe’ Chayla, the prior of Laval, in which he complains that the evil one is so powerful, that no torture, no amount of inquisitory exorcism, is able to dislodge him from the Cevennois. He closed their hands with burning coals, and they were not even singed. He wrapped their whole persons in cotton soaked with oil, and had set them on fire, and in many cases did not find one blister on their skins; that balls were shot at them and found flattened between the skin and clothes, without injuring them.

“Accepting the whole of the above as a solid groundwork for his learned arguments, this is what Dr. Figuier says: “Toward the close of the seventeenth century, an old maid imports into Cevennes the spirit of prophecy. She communicates it (?) to young boys and girls, who transpire it in their turn, and spread it in the surrounding atmosphere. .Women and children become the most sensitive to the infection” (vol. II., p. 261) “Men, women, and babies speak under inspiration, not in ordinary patois, but in the purest French — a language at that time utterly unknown in the country. Children of twelve months, and even less, as we learn from the proces verbaux, who previously could hardly utter a few short syllables, spoke fluently and prophesied.” “Eight thousand prophets,” says Figuier, “were scattered over the country; doctors and eminent physicians were sent for.” Half of the medical schools of France, among others, the Faculty of Montpellier, hastened to the spot. Consultations were held, and the physicians declared themselves “delighted, lost in wonder and admiration, upon hearing young girls and boys, ignorant and illiterate, deliver discourses on things they had never learned.” The sentence pronounced by Figuier against these treacherous professional brethren, for being so delighted with the young prophets, is that they “did not understand, themselves, what they saw.” Many of the prophets forcibly communicated their spirit to those who tried to break the spell. A great number of them were between three and twelve years of age; still, others were at the breast and spoke French distinctly and correctly. These discourses which often lasted for several hours, would have been impossible to the little orators, were the latter in their natural state.

“Now,” asks the reviewer, “what was the meaning of such a series of prodigies, all of them freely admitted in Figuier’s book? “No meaning at all! It was nothing,” he says, “except the effect of a ‘momentary exaltation of the intellectual faculties'” “These phenomena,” he adds, “are observable in many of the cerebral affection.”(5)

Oh, miracle of physiology! Prodigy ought to be thy name!

Blavatsky continues on page 372: “Abbe’ Paris was a Jansenist, who died in 1727. Immediately after his decease, the most surprising phenomena began to occur at his tomb. The churchyard was crowded from morning to night. Jesuits, exasperated at seeing heretics perform wonders in healing, and other works, got from the magistrates an order to close all access to the tomb of the Abbe’. But, notwithstanding every opposition, the wonders lasted for over twenty years. . . The curing of the sick, giving a hearing to the deaf and sight to the blind, were everywhere talked of as the effects of the holy sepulcher. But, what is more extraordinary, many of the miracles were immediately proved upon the spot, before judges of unquestioned credit and distinction, in a learned age, and on the most eminent theatre that is now in the world. .The phenomena so well authenticated by thousands of witnesses before magistrates, and in spite of the Catholic clergy, are among the most wonderful in history. Carre’ de Montgeron, a member of parliament and a man who became famous for his connection with the Jansenists, enumerates them carefully in his work. It comprises four thick quarto volumes. .For speaking disrespectfully of the Roman clergy, Montgeron was thrown into the Bastille, but his work was accepted.(6) “And now for the views of Dr. Figuier upon these remarkable and unquestionably historical phenomena: “A Convulsionary bends back into an arc, her loins supported by the sharp point of a peg. The pleasure she begs for is to be pounded by a stone weighing fifty pounds and suspended by a rope passing over a pulley fixed to the ceiling. The stone, being hoisted to its extreme height, falls with all its weight upon the patient’s stomach, her back resting all the while on the sharp point of the peg. Montgeron and numerous other witnesses testified to the fact that neither the flesh nor the skin of the back was ever marked in the least, and that the girl, to show she suffered no pain whatever, kept crying out, ‘Strike harder — harder.'(7)

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“Now the learned critic, the eminent physician, and psychologist would necessarily startle the reading public with some extraordinary scientific explanation. To all this, he quietly observes: “Recourse was had to marriage to bring to a stop these disorders of the Convulsionnaires!” This does startle us!(8)

This insensibility of the human body to the impact of heavy blows and resistance to penetration by sharp points and musket-bullets is a phenomenon sufficiently familiar in the experience of all times and all countries. While science is entirely unable to give any reasonable explanation of the mystery, the question offers no difficulty to mesmerists, who have well studied the properties of the fluid. The man, who by a few passes over a limb can produce a local paralysis to render it utterly insensible to burns, cuts, etc. need be but very little astonished at the phenomena of the Jansenists. As to the adepts of magic, especially in Siam and in the East Indies, they are too familiar with the properties of the Akasa, the mysterious life-fluid, to even regard the insensibility of the Convulsionnaires as a very great phenomenon. The astral fluid can be compressed about a person to form an elastic shell, absolutely non-penetrable by any physical object, however great the velocity with which it travels. In a word, this fluid can be made to equal and even excel in resisting power, water, and air.(9) It can also be compressed about a city or nation to prevent missiles.

Paracelsus says that his spirit, without the help of the body, and through a fiery will alone, with without a sword, can stab and wound others. “It is also possible that I can bring the spirit of my adversary into an image, and then double him up and lame him. . . .the exertion of will is a great point in medicine…”(10) This energy of the spirit is also used to heal others.

In 1568 the Prince of Orange condemned a Spanish prisoner to be shot at Juliers. The soldiers tied him to a tree and fired, but he was invulnerable. They, at last, stripped him to see what armor he wore but found only an amulet. When this was taken from him, he fell dead at the first shot.

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