Deborah Livingston: Seven Principles of Spiritualism
DEBORAH LIVINGSTON: Right. As I said before, we’re all a thread in this energy blanket, which makes the family. So, the Brotherhood of Man is Principle Two, and it’s plain and simple. It’s just making sure that we can achieve unity throughout the world and just try and create betterment in everyone’s life and bring equality, security, and peace to others. There’s an understanding that we need to help all people regardless of race, color, or creed.
We’re a family regardless of any of those things I just said, and, essentially, the Brotherhood of Man is just precisely what it says.
Helping one another because we’re all in this together, right. We’re all in this together, and some of us have lost people during Covid. Some of us have lost friends because of political reasons, and it doesn’t have to be like that. It certainly doesn’t have to be like that. I believe the Universe has delivered these external life situations to give us this opportunity to hit pause and think. Basically, to reflect on what our human life is actually supposed to be. It certainly enlightened me to come right back to these Seven Principles and re-examine them. It’s helped me a lot to get through these difficult times.
SHAY PARKER: Yes, that’s very well said. Re-examine them because we tend to lose track of the ball a lot when faced with just so overwhelming things. It seems like you’re at the bottom of Mount Everest, and you’ve got to get to the top, and you’re wearing flip-flops. It’s like, “OK, how in the world are we going to get there?”
There are ways, and it’s just that it’s essential, as you’ve said, to remember and refocus and re-examine those basic belief systems and the basic principles to help take us to the next rung on the ladder. I really like that. I love the Brotherhood of Man.
DEBORAH LIVINGSTON: The next one is probably the most key Principle for Spiritualists because mediumship is a considerable part of this way of life. It’s definitely demonstrated in all of the Spiritualist Churches. It’s not just about communion with the Spirit world, but also spirit guides as well as the Ministry of Angels. The Ministry of Angels comes through with healing. So, in Spiritualist Churches, there’s always a set time – 10 to 15 minutes – where there’s hands-on healing done. The belief is that this divine energy comes through from the Universe and helps heal emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical sickness. So that is a very crucial Principle within the Spiritualist belief.
SHAY PARKER: Again, on the website, the little chart says Personal Responsibility and Obligation of Life, but when you scroll down a little bit further, it says The Communion of Spirits in the Ministry of Angels. That’s a bit confusing. What is the Third one, as you know it?
DEBORAH LIVINGSTON: The Third one is The Communion of Spirits in the Ministry of Angels.
SHAY PARKER: The Communion of Spirits in the Ministry of Angels and, certainly, as a Professional Psychic Medium, that one absolutely would be critical for you. How would you apply this, Deborah, to someone that is not a Professional Spiritualist? What would you say to them for this one in application to their lives?
DEBORAH LIVINGSTON: Well, for this one, that’s why people come to me because if they want to have communion with a loved one in the spirit world, they will go to a Medium.
The purpose of communication with the Spirit world is to provide guidance in this world. Also, to bring comfort and peace to loved ones left here on earth so that they know that the continued existence of the human soul continues.
That’s the next Principle. It is possible because I do it daily, sometimes seven days a week, bringing this communication with the spirit world to loved ones here on earth. It’s because they do look for guidance in this world. The Fourth Principle is the Continuous Existence of the Human Soul and basically says that energy is indestructible.
Energy cannot be destroyed, but it can change form. Therefore it has been scientifically proven that after the passing of the physical body, the soul continues to exist in a different dimension that we call Spirit World. The individual personality continues unchanged by the event we call death here on earth.
SHAY PARKER: Yes, indeed. That is so interesting. Now, just to clarify the Continuous Existence of the Human Soul. For instance, to those out there reading or listening, each of us is here, of course, on this earthly plane, and then we pass and leave this physical body. Then our soul, which is essentially energy, spirit energy, is indestructible.
Therefore, even though we’ve left our physical manifestation, the Spirit continues. The Spirit can then communicate to this world through Deborah because she’s a very gifted Medium.
Deborah, I would like you to differentiate between Aunt Betty, who passes away, and your Spirit Guides. Can you shed a little light on that for our listeners?
DEBORAH LIVINGSTON: I understand and believe that Guides can remain with us throughout our lifetime and shift as we need them. They may be Guides that have never been someone we knew here in this world, or they can be. Or they can be both.
I have my Grandmother from my Dad’s side of the family, and she has saved my life more times than I can count. A young girl is also part of my life. Sometimes I can identify her as having a very soft voice with two braids. She was very helpful to me about 20 years ago, but I never got her name. She’s come and gone. I know that I had an Aviator World War One Pilot, who I believe was Asian. I definitely had an Indian. He’s come and gone. What I feel mostly around me now are Animal Spirit Guides and still my Grandmother. She’s my Guardian Angel and Spirit Guide forever. They come and go as you need them, that’s for sure, and I’m pretty sure that everybody has a Doctor as well. Somebody that specializes in something that helps everyone.
SHAY PARKER: That makes sense because there’s got to be somebody who says, “OK, we’ve got to get this taken care of, or watch out for that.” So, yes. That is fascinating stuff. We’ve got to continue with the Existence of the Human Soul. And what do you say about Personal Responsibility?
DEBORAH LIVINGSTON: Personal Responsibility is huge because we’ve been given this enormous potential. We can manifest it. If we can think it, we can manifest it. As long as it’s for the good of ourselves and in the highest good for others. We want to use this potential to improve our own lives and others’ lives. We have the gift of free will to make these decisions throughout our lives as we see fit. Whatever we decide, good or bad, no other person can influence or put right our wrongdoing. Nobody can replace or override our right to personal responsibility, essentially. Even though we’re in this together, we are one. We’re responsible for ourselves and no-one else.
SHAY PARKER: That’s really hard to remember. That’s a challenging, hard principle to grasp sometimes because how many people do you know out there are Mums all over the world who feel responsible for their kids. I’m not talking about little ones. My Mum, if she were still here, she’d even be calling me up, saying, “You can’t do this, and you can’t do that.” I’m 40 years old. It is undoubtedly challenging to break those ties, sometimes. Then with ourselves, we’re like, “Oh, yes, let’s sweep that under the carpet a little bit.” It’s tough. That’s a hard one for sure.
DEBORAH LIVINGSTON: It is a hard one, and it can be profound, too. We tend to overlook this, I feel, We don’t have control over anyone else. Only We have control over ourselves, but I do feel like we have the responsibility to have compassion, guidance, and support, empathy, all of that. I think, for me, it’s a personal responsibility. How you were mentioning sweeping it under the rug. The Sixth Principle is Compensation and Retribution.
That’s here and hereafter for all good and evil deeds done on earth. So, essentially, if the Universal Law of Cause and Effect is in high order here, it’s the law that operates here on earth as well as in the Spirit World.
So, as we move through our lives making these choices because we have the ability and the free will, all these are intertwined if you’re noticing a little bit of a pattern here.
The Fatherhood of God goes into The Brotherhood of Man, which goes into the Communion of Spirits, which goes into The Existence of the Human Spirit, the Continuous Existence.
Then as the Spirit here on earth with this divine wisdom which we accumulated. We have the personal responsibility, so we have that free will choice and personal commitment to make good choices or poor choices. These choices we make moving through our lives have outcomes, and these outcomes affect our soul growth.
Continue to Page 3 of the Interview with Deborah Livingston
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