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Anita Moorjani: Sensitive Is the New Strong

Anita Moorjani: Sensitive Is the New Strong

Anita Moorjani


Victor Fuhrman: In our share before the interview started, I mentioned that one of my most significant challenges in life was learning that the word “no” is a complete sentence. This is a boundary, and I won’t cross that boundary.” I think that’s a hard lesson for many of us to learn.

Anita Moorjani: It’s a very hard lesson even ’til today, I struggle with it. I’ve gotten very good with it in so many areas of my life. But life still throws me challenges where I’m like, “Oops, this one’s a hard one to say no to, but even thinking about doing it drains me.”


Victor Fuhrman: Absolutely, and as I have shared amongst my community, “blessed are the caregivers for theirs is the burden of love.” There’s an old expression. Energy flows where intention goes. How many empaths and sensitives filter that energy?

Anita Moorjani: There are actually a lot of ways. I’m still trying to filter it down in the best possible way. For empaths to filter that energy, one of the things that I asked them to do is to always ask themselves what feels good, what feels uplifting, and what makes you feel depleted or tired. Always make the choice of what is uplifting or what feels uplifting. So, we are constantly putting our attention on uplifting things.

And it’s a little bit like what we were talking about watching the news, and so whatever we put our attention on, that’s where the energy flows. Suppose you are noticing that you’re starting to feel depleted, and you’re starting to feel rundown. In that case, you may ask yourself, “What have I been putting my attention on lately?” And then shift the focus. I’m always telling people to shift their focus because one of the prevalent things, what people do, is that when they are going through a challenge, when you are going through an emotional challenge, physical challenge, health challenge, we tend to obsess about that challenge and all our attention goes on that challenge, and then our energy gets depleted. “Shift the focus from the challenge to what you want to see as the outcome.”

Focus on that point in time when your challenge is resolved. Once you start doing that, your energy becomes uplifted, and you’re in a different energy state. When you’re in a different energy state, what happens is you become more intuitive. When you’re more intuitive, the answers to that challenge start to come to you. I hope I explained that clearly.


Victor Fuhrman: In Sensitive Is the New Strong, you offer many exercises for strengthening our energy. Can you share one or two?

Anita Moorjani: One of them is visualization. It’s really just sitting. Close your eyes, you can have music, and then you actually visualize your aura. And no matter what size your aura is, you can actually expand it by visually imagining it getting bigger and bigger. It actually works because here’s another gift of people who are empaths and sensitive. If you can visualize, your visualization, and what we call our imagination, is extremely powerful.

Your imagination is actually not your imagination. It is the doorway to your soul. Our visualizations are compelling if you’re sensitive and you’re an empath. I do have a few people tell me that they’re not good at visualization, and if that’s the case, don’t worry. You may expand your energy by feeling joy.

I tell people to do at least one thing every day that expands their energy, at least one thing because empaths tend to forget about themselves. And they’re so quick to expend their energy to help other people that you don’t even realize that you start to get depleted. We just keep reacting to what’s out there. I want you to stop responding to what’s out there and start consciously thinking about what will expand my energies, what will recharge my batteries, and do at least one thing every day.


Victor Fuhrman: Which leads to the question, are spirituality and abundance mutually exclusive? Why do so many of us struggle with worthiness and exchange?

Anita Moorjani: This is one of the issues again, of our cultural thinking, our dominant culture where we have been taught that money is not spiritual and that money is the root of all evil and all of these things for many people, it’s been ingrained. What ends up happening is that if we are very attracted to spiritual teachings and the healing arts. We’re attracted to doing these things. We tend to believe that we need to have another day job to pay our bills so that we may do the teachings, healings, and helping other people as a kind of hobby to feed our soul.

However, what happens is that when our day job very often takes up all our time, that leaves very little time to do the work that the planet really needs. The only reason we do it that way is because of an ingrained belief that if it’s spiritual work, I’m not supposed to make money with it. Suppose we could shift that belief and realize the world needs people to be out there doing this kind of work, whether it’s healing, whether it’s teaching, whether it’s uplifting people, whether it’s being compassionate. In that case, they need to be rewarded for doing it to keep doing it.

We live in an upside-down world where people who are dishonest are being rewarded. They’re the ones that are making all the money. In contrast, the people who are very empathic, compassionate, and spiritual givers end up destitute, poor, and broke. But if they were abundant, they could have helped so many more people. So we really need to change that belief and realize that spirituality and abundance need to go together like a hand and a glove.

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Victor Fuhrman: What would you like readers to take away from Sensitive Is the New Strong?

Anita Moorjani: I would like them to know that we need to embrace our sensitivity, empathy, and compassion. We need to embrace our intuition and see all these things as strengths if we want to see our evolution’s next step. We need to change the metrics of what it means to be strong, to define strength differently, with stability and compassion. And it means being intuitive, it has to start from within. Only when we stop judging ourselves and allow ourselves to be who we are and embrace ourselves can we actually help the people around us because we take ourselves wherever we go.


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