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Conscious Rules for Interracial or Interfaith Dating

Conscious Rules for Interracial or Interfaith Dating

Interracial Interfaith Dating

Every relationship comes with its own intricate obstacles, and interracial or interfaith dating and relationships can have their challenges.

3 Rules for Interracial and Interfaith Dating

by Marni Battista



Partnering with someone of a different ethnic or religious background can make even the most spectacular relationship a bit more complicated. Even though relationships of every imaginable combination are increasingly common in the modern-day dating scene, the concept hasn’t completely shed the stigma yet—and many otherwise solid and healthy relationships suffer because of it.

To help those currently weathering the challenges of being in an interracial or interfaith relationship, here is simple Dating with Dignity rules to navigate these complicated waters toward happiness and harmony.


1. Educate yourself on your background and beliefs

Investing time in learning more about your significant other’s background and beliefs will not only express how much you care, but it can often bring the two of you closer together.

Respect each other’s cultures and beliefs: It’s important to be open and accepting of your partner’s cultural and religious background. Try to learn and understand each other’s values, customs, and traditions. For example, if you’re far along enough in the interracial or interfaith relationship and your partner is comfortable with it, reach out to their family for a greater understanding and maybe even attend a religious service with them.

Beyond the invaluable bond, such a gesture will create a clear understanding of any major differences in cultural background or values that may have caused rifts between you two otherwise.

Don’t forget to respect each other’s boundaries: It’s important to respect your partner’s boundaries and not pressure them to compromise their values or beliefs.

Educate yourself: Learn about the history, struggles, and triumphs of your partner’s culture and religion. This can help you understand their perspective and build a stronger connection.



2. Educate your loved ones

Communicate openly and honestly: Communication is key in any relationship, but it’s especially important when dating someone from a different background. Be honest and open about your thoughts, feelings, and concerns.

Try to block out the unsolicited opinions and warnings from disapproving family members and friends early on while remembering that many of them are steeped in certain attitudes and prejudices that make your significant other’s belief system, or background seem unwelcome.

Once your interracial or interfaith relationship starts feeling like the real deal, communicate what you’ve learned about your partner’s culture to the loved ones who bristled initially, and make sure he does the same. Of course, this isn’t always the case; but often, the more knowledge you can impart, the less foreign and more welcome your diverse backgrounds will appear to each other’s families.

In some extreme cases where loved ones use racial slurs to refer to your man, gently explain to them why those derogatory marks are unwarranted and extreme. Your tender thoughtfulness to learning and explaining these differences to your family will further show them how much this person means to you and send their approval rating through the roof.


3. Block out others who may judge

Focus on your relationship: While cultural and religious differences may be an important aspect of your relationship, it’s also important to focus on your connection with your partner as an individual.

Don’t let stereotypes or assumptions get in the way of building a strong relationship.

While disapproval from those you love most may be the most noticeable, silent judgment and/or even verbal taunting from total strangers can be just as piercing. Rather than springing into action whenever someone makes an unwelcome comment about your coupling, keep moving and adopt the mantra that the more vicious their comments, the more ignorant and insecure the attacker. To ensure any offended feelings don’t build up and have a ripple effect on your relationship, be open with your partner about how the comments make you feel; if anyone else can relate, it’s him!

Be prepared for challenges: Interracial or interfaith dating can present unique challenges, such as navigating different family expectations or dealing with discrimination. Be prepared to face these challenges together and support each other through them.


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About the Author

Marni Battista has a Master’s in Education and is a Certified Life Coach by the International Coaching Federation. Marni is also trained as a facilitator and mentor trainer. She is the on-camera Dating & Relationship Coach to Tristan Couveras, star of the new hit reality TV show, “Control TV,” produced by Seth Green and Ken Fuchs, producer of “The Bachelor.” Find out more about her workshops and classes at:


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