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Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 19

Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 19

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 19

Throat and Mouth of God

The Mouth of God (also known as the Zeal Point) is a energy center, which is located at the base of the head, where the medulla oblongata is. It is one of the most important energy centers we have. It is different from the other chakras because it is the only one that induces energy. The Mouth of God is an opening which energy comes in, and associated with Light Body activation.

This chakra channels directly through to the pineal, pituitary, and into the heart center. Opening and activating this chakra, opens to a sense of unity, and expansion, connecting to the spiritual realms. This chakra connects to Source, God, or All That Is. It is important to bring into balance, the lower chakra’s, of this chakra to become activated. The Mouth of God point assists in moving kundalini energy through the body, and opening one to the upper chakras. The color magenta is associated with this chakra Magenta is a combination of red and violet, a unified polarity, non duality, and a marriage of sun and moon.

See Also

This chakra is part of an ancient system. It is open, active and functioning with New Earth Children, Starchildren, Indigo to Crystal, Autism Spectrum, which are all one and same. This chakra has lost its strength and purpose, closed down for many, and lost is true meaning over time and centuries.

This chakra accesses inter-galactic and inter-dimensional communication centers.  It is also a center designed to support the exchange of telepathic communication, and is an important center for initiating clear conscious channeling and psychic connections.

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