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The Vital Force Within

The Vital Force Within


Spirit is the life force, the vital force that fuels all life. Spirit is the spark, or the portion of the Divine Source that’s in every living thing. It has a consciousness of its own.

In eastern traditions, the spirit force is known as “Chi” (prana in Sanskrit) and is referred to as Ti or Ki in Hawaiian. While we may think we’re all uniquely distinctive individual souls, in fact there’s a commonality that binds us all together – a spiritual force.

One of my favorite sayings is: “Imagine yourself as a being of energy and light – because in reality… you are.”

So many people don’t realize that we are in fact energetic sentient beings and how precious this vital energy is to our body as well as our souls. Here’s a brief summary of Chi:

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Your Chi carries your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions while mixing with the energy around you.

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You radiate Chi all around you, sending out your thoughts, beliefs and emotions.

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You can change your Chi internally by activities such as meditation, stretching, or breathing.

In my book ‘Power Of The Soul,’ I write about the energetic cords that emanate from us and become attached to both things and people that we think about excessively. The longer we think about something – the thicker the cord becomes, which can be draining our energy. I call this ‘Soul Leakage.’ It’s when the spirit force within us seeps away from our soul instead of infusing it. When I need a boost of spirit, Chi, that wonderful life-force, I go and exercise, go the beach and breathe, or do something that I love – something that will infuse my soul with that chi (spirit force) once again. When was the last time you did something for yourself, something that you love doing, something that infuses your soul?


John’s Lesson

This week I want you to take a few moments and think back to a time when you were doing something that you really enjoyed, when time just seemed to fly by, a time when you had boundless amounts of energy. Isn’t it time (no matter what it was) to do that again?

Maybe it’s time to consider taking an exercise class, a dance class, practicing tai chi or even joining a meditation class. These are just a few suggestions that will bring that vital energy back into your soul as well as your body.

See Also

Please don’t be one of those people who say: “When I have time, I will do something.” Those are the people who rarely ever get around to it. Your time is so precious here in this physical world. Remember you’re a spiritual being having human experiences – so honor all of you.

Take the time for you – your soul – your body – and your life.

Aren’t you worth it?

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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