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The Power of Affirmations

The Power of Affirmations


Words have the power to inspire, heal, as well as transform. Just as they can have a positive effect, they can also be hurtful, especially when you’re on the receiving end! If you actually want to know how someone’s life is going or why it’s the way it is, then it’s important to really listen to the words they use. I believe that you are the embodiment of your words. For example, if someone constantly talks about misery and despair, then it’s more than likely that their life will be a reflection of what they’re saying. We probably all know someone in our lives like this, and often it’s draining being in their company. You come away feeling exhausted, as by default they’re really sapping your precious energy, whether you realize it or not!

Affirmations can be a wonderful complimentary life-tool. You can write your own to achieve your desires and wishes. An affirmation is a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something.

To affirm simply means to make firm. Every word you speak or think is in itself, an affirmation.

Affirmations can be used in all areas of your life. To use affirmations properly and effectively, I have listed a few pointers that will help you to affirm the life you want and deserve.

Always use the first person when stating positive affirmations. For example: “I am healthy. I am calm and balanced. I am beautiful. I am now following my soul’s guidance.” These are also great: “I attract, I choose, I have.”

When using affirmations, always remember they’re meant to be used and affirmed in the present tense, in the here and now. For example, they should not be used in this way: “I will have a good relationship someday.” By saying it that way, you’re signaling to the Universe that it’s not important right now for a relationship, but sometime in the future. This is how it should be said: “I am now attracting the perfect relationship in to my life.”

Repeat affirmations frequently and often. Speak or write out your affirmations 10-15 times in a row, once in the morning and once in the evening. You can’t expect to say them just once if you wish to instill any power into them. The more you say them and believe them, the more power you’ll give them, and better the chance of you manifesting them, and achieving the outcome you desire.

Be specific. If you have a specific need, then the more detailed and specific you can be – the better the results. If you’re affirming a new relationship, list the qualities and affirm what you want. For example: “I am worthy of love and attracting the perfect partner for my highest good.” If you say: “I am attracting a relationship” then it’s likely that you’ll get one, but it may not be exactly what you’re looking for. If you want money, then be specific and say: “Abundance is all around me and I now attract (said amount) to me quickly.”

Combine your affirmations with your visualizations for an even more positive effect.

As you use your visualizations with affirmations, try to see yourself totally immersed in the desire of your outcome.

Read inspirational books and quotes to inspire and motivate you.

Change your affirmations once they’ve manifested.

Above all …. Experiment and have fun when making up your own affirmations.

John’s Lesson

I wrote this article in the hope of getting you to a point where you can believe that having what you want is in fact possible, and to acknowledge that the spirit force that runs through your soul wants to bring it to you.

This week try repeating the following affirmations. Have fun, you may prefer to write them in large type or make them different colors. Stick them on post-it notes on your computer, your bathroom mirror, or wherever you can see them. Say them as often as you can, so that you have positive boosts throughout the day.

I trust my intuition and myself.

I am a beautiful expression of life.

See Also

I now notice when my inner voice is speaking to me.

I now choose to bring positive energy into my day, as well as my life.

I attract all that I need in my life that is for my highest good.

I am strong, balanced, and here in the now.

I am love.

Have a SOUL filled week!

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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