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Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect


Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. ~The Matrix

Which pill did you choose? It’s not that simple, is it? No, it’s not one choice, but every choice culminating, which creates your experience of life. Every decision is a domino effect triggering the next to what end? Cause and effect are not separate, they exist together. What you perceive is in your mind. It becomes belief. Ego will take your belief and turn it into an effect, which you will experience in your outside world.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. ~ Albert Einstein

The mind extends itself and perceives itself everywhere. It reaches to see and observe. However, the perception can be hijacked because you also have ego. Ego will take this and use this ability for projection. That’s where problems start since projected vision becomes colored – colored by the thoughts and beliefs you choose. Are these glasses you’re wearing rose colored or a darker shade of gloom and doom?

All of a sudden, your inner self is reflected as outer world. The laws of attraction will come into play at this juncture. The universe supports you, whether it’s a negative belief or a positive one. It doesn’t care. After all, it’s just doing the job that was assigned. Now that the outer world is reflecting for you and the law of attraction is supporting you, the belief is gaining strength. Are you screwed? Absolutely not!

You will have to undo your creation though. Remember, this all started in your mind! You must solve it by going inward. Take the thread and let it lead you back to the origin. Start an internal dialogue with your higher self, not ego. Find the moment that ego hijacked it. Why did you color your perception that shade? What does it say about what you believe?

Judgments and labels are the servants of ego. Why? Because they separate. Perhaps, it serves to separate you from them. Maybe they serve to separate you from loving acceptance of self by replacing love with guilt, while creating a story of unlovable or not worthy and deserving. The effect then is lack – the lack of love, money and respect among others. Defining yourself through ego is destructive. Doing this establishes limits, restrictions and says who you are not. This separates you from all that you are. While it may appear you are judging a situation, your colleague, neighbor or a terrorist half a world away, don’t be fooled. It is always about you because the outer world is an effect not the cause.

Acknowledging this can be very uncomfortable. How can what happened have anything to do with you? We are all connected. Think of it this way – all of us together create a big picture puzzle. Each piece has its own function with its own ego, yet all of the pieces are necessary. The question you have to ask yourself, “Is this what I want to create?” Judgment ties you to the effect. Want to change the outer world? Change the picture by changing your mind. When you see everything as a part of the whole, you have the power to undo that thread by going within.

Instead of adding fuel through judgment, stand objectively. Reflect on the reaction you are having. What does that judgment say about you? Is it triggering a belief about self?

This is not to say peoples’ actions can’t be unjust. Of course, they can and are. Your feelings act as indicators. How you use those feeling to respond or relate to the outer world either contributes to negativity by feeding and potentiating the negativity, which serves to further separate or begins to heal and make whole by going within and finding the root cause. Understanding yourself and being brave enough to review your inner dialogue is the way to heal self. If you heal self, you heal the world. Cause and effect in action. Heal the cause, and you heal the effect because cause and effect are never separate despite appearances. You create it all.

See Also
Self Respect unconditional love

Return to your true self. You before ego created the story of who you are and the world around you. You create your experience of the outer world. Wow, what power! The best part – you only have to change your mind!


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About the Author

Lynn Zambrano advises and trains empaths and highly sensitive people all over the world to use their gifts to change their lives and the lives of others. If you have enjoyed this article, please visit her blog at:

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