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Gratitude Comes in Many Forms

Gratitude Comes in Many Forms

gratitude OMTimes

Can the emotion of gratitude reach across the realms? How do we truly sense the gratitude of ‘others?’


As many of you know who follow and kindly support my work, you’re aware that I have been a practicing psychic medium for over two decades. Just when I think I’ve seen and heard it all – something happens! Recently, I had an Animal Charity event and audience members who were in attendance had the chance to win a complimentary private reading with me. After I called out the name of the winner, a lovely woman with a big smile raised her hand. My office arranged for her to visit me for her reading as soon as both of our schedules allowed.

The day came for her reading and what happened during that reading has never happened to me in my whole career as a medium. I would like to share with you a special moment from that reading with gratitude for her permission. Jennifer walked into my office with that same smile I remembered from the charity event, but I also noticed that she had special glow that seemed to be coming from within her. I knew that this reading was going to somehow be very special.


Gratitude for Those Who Passed

Family members stepped forward from the Other-Side with validations of who they were, how they passed, and how they knew certain events in Jennifer’s life that had transpired since their passing. The energy of love was strong between all of us as validation after validation of their existence kept coming forward.

I knew from the reading that she was a big dog lover like myself, but what I couldn’t understand was why I kept seeing a horse walking back and forth in front of me in my mind’s eye. I continued on with the reading and as much as I tried to ignore the horse, I know from years of doing this work: You have to “give what you get” to the person you are reading for. I took a moment to pause and to focus on the horse, and believe it or not the horse starting talking to me! Not like we talk here in the physical world, but with the energy of thought.

Jennifer looked at me while I paused and tilted my head to the side, and I had to ask her: “I know you love dogs, but have you ever had anything to do with a horse? Because I have a horse here in the room that has been here for a while, and he’s trying so hard to get my attention!” She looked at me and put her hands to her mouth and said: “Oh my God yes!” As soon as she said yes, the horse sent me a thought that I heard in these words: “Please tell her I say thank you so much for saving my life”. I immediately repeated the gratitude I just heard. “Well, Jennifer this horse is thanking you for saving his life. Do you understand that?” The tears started to come, and she had to take a moment to tell me the story of the horse.


Gratitude for Saving a Life

Some years ago, when she was living in San Diego, she became aware of a horse named Tiko, who was malnourished and in bad shape. Jennifer’s heart went out to Tiko, and she knew she had to do something! The man agreed to sell the horse to Jennifer.

She took care of Tiko. She fed him, nurtured him, and she could slowly see he was getting better. She decided one day to put a bit in Tiko’s mouth, not knowing from the previous owner that this was something that the horse really didn’t like. When Jennifer tried putting the bit in his mouth, she unfortunately was standing at the edge of a field that ended with a steep hillside. Tiko ended up knocking Jennifer down the hill. During her tumble, she broke three ribs and hurt her head and face. Alone and in a lot of pain, she slowly climbed back up the hill, dragging herself to the top, broken ribs and all. The horse was waiting for her at the top, with a look on its face according to Jennifer that said: “I didn’t mean it.” She became very close with Tiko and forged a bond that was stronger than you could have imagined!

She started to weep while telling me this story, and I could feel the love between her and this kind animal. I ended up joining her in expressing our love for animals through some happy tears. Once again, Tiko sent me one last thought of gratitude for her: “The last two years of my life were the best I ever had.” I looked at her while we were both wiping our eyes and said: “You gave him the best two years of his life.” Jennifer replied: “Thank you so much John. I couldn’t take him with me when I moved to Maine, so my aunt adopted him and he got to live out his remaining two years on a farm, being outdoors, safe, and happy!” I told her: “Don’t thank me – thank Tiko.”


Gratitude and Thanks

I will never forget this reading! I see spirit animals all the time, but have never had any conversations with them, like my colleague and friend, Animal Communicator, Danielle MacKinnon. I’m not sure if it will happen again, who knows, I’ll have to wait and see. What I do know is that the bonds of love and gratitude, whether between those who are two or four legged, continue and death can never rob you of that! Love is truly everlasting and what you do here really does matter!

See Also


John’s Lesson

Try to reach out and make a difference. If you feel gratitude in your heart and soul to help in some way, then act on it. You never know what effect a kind gesture can have. Whether big or small, your loving, caring act does create a ripple effect that ends up touching many lives – whether your kindness is directed toward a person or an animal.

This doesn’t have to cost a lot. Donating your time and expertise can be just as valuable as writing a check. Giving back reinforces the circle of gratitude because after all, “we are all connected.”

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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