4 Ways to Put Joy into the Season of Gifting
By Simone Milasas
Christmas, The Season of Gifting! If you haven’t finished your Christmas shopping, rest assured you are not alone. Australians are notoriously laid back when it comes to being organised for the festive season. Over in America, a recent study by Creditcards.com found that 14 percent had started shopping before October while two percent had finished it all! Today the shopping space is more likely to be online than the hurly burly of arcades and malls. Wherever you shop, as the day looms nearer, the pressure to tick off your list can lead to impulse buying; spending more than you plan to, and creating future pain with credit card debt.
If you dread Christmas shopping here are some ways to put more joy into the Season of Gifting.
4 Ways to Bring Back Joy into the Season of Gifting
Season of Gifting Tip #1 – What’s perfect anyway?
Ever felt like you had to get the perfect gift for your husband, wife, child, parent, girlfriend… What is perfect? Perfect is a judgement; it’s how you set yourself up for failure. Every time you judge something, it creates a separation between you and the other person and also between you and money. What if you approached your gift list by asking questions? A question will always create more. Here are some examples: what gift can my husband receive? What would be fun for him? What else is available that I’ve never considered? Don’t discount any ideas you get. If you have never asked these questions before, you — and they — might be pleasantly surprised.
Season of Gifting Tip #2 – Give up the ghost of Xmas past
There is something called the give and take the program which means there always has to be an exchange. It’s almost like an invisible ledger. Last Christmas Sally bought you expensive champagne, but you spent less on her gift. Do you have to make up for it this year? What if your pleasure at receiving a lovely gift was all the reward Sally required? Letting go of Christmases past is much more expansive than gifting from obligation. You can then choose to embody generosity of spirit, and the universe will pay you back a thousandfold, provided you are willing to receive it.
Season of Gifting Tip #3 – Go easy on the plastic
It can be all too tempting to overspend at this time of year. Before you reach for the plastic, however, ask yourself, what else is possible here that I haven’t considered? A credit card is meant to make your life easier. It is not the solution to a desperate financial situation. If you require more money, look at what you love to do. Could you turn your talents into another revenue stream? If you’re a baking whiz, could you whip up a batch of Christmas puddings to sell? Or if you love doing make-up, market your superb skills to party-goers who want that extra bit of sparkle.
Whatever you find incredibly easy is usually something you can make money from. Are you willing to receive more money? Then literally ask: can I have more money, please?
Season of Gifting Tip #4 – What’s your choice?
Christmas is one day of the year we make very significant. There are more expectations and projections about it than most other days of the year. But don’t let this stop you from choosing what you would like this day to be and look like. The reality is that some people like to be miserable, dissatisfied and upset. You don’t have to judge Aunty Iris for complaining about her life. You don’t have to save anyone or be the life of the party. Allow yourself to enjoy totally being you and the life you’re creating. What joy and happiness could you create by simply being you?
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About the Author
Author and Host of Joy of Business on OMTimes Radio, Simone Milasas has worked in many different industries around the world. She has owned companies, created them, managed them, changed them all with an enthusiasm to invite people to a different possibility in the world. Simone is currently the worldwide coordinator of Access Consciousness.
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