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Calling On the Mother of Angels

Calling On the Mother of Angels


Feeling safe in our human vessels may feel unattainable, however, this is exactly what our loving and protecting Angels desire for us to experience every moment of our lives. This “Heaven on Earth,” security helps us keep the vibration of fear out of our minds and bodies, and as an extra bonus, when we feel safe, we are more receptive to listening to our feelings and trusting our intuitive knowing.

Do the Angels have a prescription for us, a “medicine” that will lift up our vibrations so that we can evolve beyond the limitation of attempting to control our anxiety and everything else in site? Yes, they certainly do! They offer us the magnificent healing power of their own Mother! They say that She is the One that can help us feel better in our own bodies, in our homes, and on our planet.

Calling on the Divine Mother, the Mother of Angels

The Divine Mother, the Mother of the Universe, and the Mother of Angels, is a super power that we can call on to fill our bodies, minds, and emotions with the vibration of safety. Because we create our reality from the inside out, filling with this vibration is the wisest insurance policy we can have for real safety.

Does the Mother of Angels actually have the power to create tangible security, such as enough money, good health, loving relationships and opportunity for professional success for her human children? According to the 12 Archangels, our mentors here on the great Schoolroom Earth, the answer is a definite YES!

Our Angelic teachers share with us that the Divine Mother is one with the Divine Father, together they are the Creator of all. The Divine Mother is responsible for creativity and for receptivity. Because our Souls must create ways in which we can receive all we need and desire into this physical reality, it helps miraculously if our minds are open to receiving from our Creator.

It is the Divine Mother’s energy, pouring into us and filling us, that allows us to connect with Source and manifest what we need to LIVE. To live lives where we feel safe, satisfied and happy is our birthright. And when human beings feel safe, we are more likely to treat the rest of God’s beautiful creation here on Earth with respect and care. The 12 Archangels offer us a simple reminder that in order to be alive, we need to breathe. Breathing is all we need to do to call on the Mother of Angels and the Angels that help her take care of us.

In Message 1,”The Holy Spirit” from, Lessons from the 12 Archangels, Divine Intervention in Daily Life, (Bear and Company), the Angels teach us the importance of breathing in the great healing essence of Divine Mother’s Love:


“Today we remind you to breathe, to breathe in deeply and exhale slowly. Angels live forever because their food is Holy Breath, love and music. We offer this nourishment to you in great abundance. Feast on Holy Breath by remembering to breathe as Angels do, deeply filling our selves with Holy Spirit, divine essence of Mother God. The air you breathe, no matter how polluted your scientists report it to be, is filled with Holy Spirit. Mother God’s energy stays fresh and pure because this is her way of feeding her sweet children of Earth.

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“Magic happens when you remember with each breath you inhale, you are bringing in Mother God’s love into every atom, thought, feeling, and sense of yourself. Awareness of what you are really doing when you breathe will make a profound difference in your life. When are aware of Holy Spirit, fear melts away, as does disharmony, disease, and depression. We wish to add that if you discover you are forgetting to breathe, fear has entered or surfaced from somewhere inside your mind. Whisper the word “Angel,” or the word “God,” and we will come and remind you to breathe in deeply and exhale slowly, breathing as a happy, free Child of God.”


The Angels would like to remind us when we are breathing in the Holy Spirit, Divine Mother’s love, a miraculous energy reaches deep down into the fear that God has abandoned us hiding within the subconscious recesses of our human vessels. This energy seeks fear out and purges it from our bodies. And we are again reminded that we never leave the heart of our Creator. We are always and forever held in the arms of the Divine Mother. To feel what this feels like and enjoy the healing experience this can facilitate, please enjoy the following guided meditation. To listen to, “Love Me Magic Mama,” click the player below:

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