It Is Touching Lives that Matters
Touching Lives and Making Connections
I hope that in the last two weeks, you’ve made time to express some feelings. It is important to touch lives by making a positive change in one or more of your personal relationships.
I believe it’s part of the bigger picture, which for the purpose of this article, and I’d like to call it “touching lives that matter.” As I believe that when you make a commitment to connect with people, you care about, you touch their lives in a way that not only matters to them but potentially has the ripple effect of touching others. When you make that commitment to remain connected, it sets the stage for stronger, more fulfilling relationships. By reaching out, it builds bridges and in some instances, repairs bridges that were broken or damaged by past disputes, past hurts, past disagreements or misinterpretations.
Remaining Close and Staying in Touch
I know it can be difficult to remain close to everyone at the same time in this busy world, with constant calls on our time, our energy, our love – all of which can easily drain our vital resource. But in making time for your loved ones and those who are important in your life demonstrates how important they are in your life. It shows our desire to be an equally important part of their lives.
I liked touching lives to a game that I heard a while ago. It’s all about closing your eyes and having to touch four objects. The story goes like this. Imagine someone taking you by the hand and guiding you to various objects. You touch each, in turn, the first feeling “rough,” then “hard,” “cold” and the last being a ‘warm” object. The last object filled your body with warmth, permeating your whole body with a warm that made you feel a connection. When you open your eyes, you realize that you touched a packaged granola bar, stone, a granite worktop and then the final object … the palm of a hand.
When we reach out and touch each other, the same connection is forged, one of warmth, which in turns warms the heart.
John’s Lesson
We have just past the holiday season, when our thoughts turn to those we love. Perhaps we bought gifts to show them we love them and they’re important in our lives. Remember that it’s just as important to touch their lives in other ways. As much as I enjoy modern technology and the myriad of uses for social media, I feel it’s pulling us away from each other on a personal level, and now we tend to resort to a ‘hello text’ or a Facebook ‘thumbs up’ or an ‘Emoji.’ Try to speak to the person or have some face time. It’s more personal, and you’re at least sharing in each other’s energy.
For this lesson, and it’s a simple one, just take an extra few moments with those you care about over the coming weeks. Every time you hug someone or shake their hand, or hold someone … make a special effort to make that connection last a few moments longer than usual. Turn that hug into a special one. Make that handshake mean something so they feel you holding their hand. Honor each other by being present. If someone needs to talk … let them talk, if someone needs advice … gladly give it, or honor if a person just needs to vent, without giving back advice. We’re all connected and always will be.
Live a Soul-filled life!
John Holland is an Internationally renowned psychic medium, spiritual teacher, author, and radio host. His public demonstrations offer audiences a rare glimpse into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers in his own unique style, explaining the delicate process of raising his own vibrational energy to link with the spirit from the Other-Side. He’s able to deliver messages, which he does with clarity, passion and the utmost integrity. John has spent a significant part of his life developing his psychic and mediumship abilities, and he spent two intensive years studying in the UK, where he got the thorough grounding and training to become one of the most sought after professional mediums on the world stage today! He has starred in several TV specials, including A&E’s “Mediums: We See Dead People,” which provided a fascinating insight into how John works as a Psychic Time Machine, where he’s able to pick up vibrations and detailed information, whether it’s seen, felt, or heard from a past event. He also starred in his own pilot “Psychic History” for the History Channel. He is the author of the best-sellers: Power of the Soul, Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing, The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, The Spirit Whisperer – Chronicles of a Medium, The Psychic Tarot For The Heart, The Spirit Messages – The Daily Guidance Oracle Deck as well as 5 top-selling Apps and numerous online workshops based on his signature workshop series. His latest book: was Bridging Two Realms.