Dr. Rasean Hodge and Nick Mccauley – Making Sense of the Cannabis Debate

Written by on August 26, 2021

Dr. Rasean Hodge and Nick Mccauley – Making Sense Of The Cannabis Debate

Air Date Live Streaming on OMTimes TV 2 September at 12:00 PM ET/9:00 AM PT

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Air Date OMTimes Radio 9 September at 12:00 ET/9:00 PT

Cracked The Podcast Sandie Sedgbeer Rebecca Schaper OMTimes Radio TV

With statistics showing that stress, depression, anxiety and fear are fast becoming a major global problem, more and more people are turning to medical marijuana to help lift their low moods, calm chronic tension, ameliorate withdrawal symptoms, and ease their physical, mental, and emotional pain.

But how effective is medical marijuana really? And, perhaps more importantly, how safe?

While marijuana is the most commonly used drug of abuse in the USA, 26 states and the District of Columbia have now enacted laws that have legalized its use in some form, and three additional states have passed measures permitting the use of medical marijuana. With the cannabis debate being such a hot topic of late, Rebecca and Sandie have invited experts Dr. Rasean Hodge and Nick McCauley on to Cracked! The Podcast this week to unravel some of the many myths and misconceptions about cannabis in general, and the question of medical marijuana being a safer alternative to opiates and NSAIDs in treating PTS, depression, anxiety, addiction, mental health issues, and pain.

Dr.-Rasean-Hodge_Cracked!-The-Podcast_OMTimes-RadioDr. Rasean Hodge received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Morehouse College and earned his medical degree, cum laude, from the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Dr. Hodge completed his internship and residency in Family Medicine from the Morehouse School of Medicine in 2005.

Upon completion of his education, Hodge matriculated into Family Medicine and served as Investigator on numerous clinical research studies aimed at making the human condition better for those who are suffering. His compassion for those in need continued to be evident as he has led several Hospice Programs throughout Georgia as both Medical Director and Assistant Medical Director.

Nick McCauley is an expert on marijuana.

Visit the CRACKED! The Podcast show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/cracked-the-podcast/

Connect with Sandie Sedgbeer at https://www.sedgbeer.com

Connect with Rebecca Schaper at https://www.rebeccaschaper.com/

#DrRaseanHodge #NickMccauley #RebeccaSchaper #SandieSedgbeer #CrackedThePodcast

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