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Virgo New Moon 2014

Virgo New Moon 2014


Lines in the Sand: Forecast for the Virgo New Moon 2014

August 25, 2014

7:12 AM PDT / 10:12 AM EDT / 2:12 PM PDT

2 Virgo 18

This year’s Virgo New Moon means business. It has a back-to-school, back-to-work vibe on steroids, knocking cobwebs from our thinking, waking us from summer doldrums and marshaling fierce, decisive action.

Summer will technically still be with us for another three weeks, but we’ll all be packing up our beach toys and heading for the next, more serious phase. Or finding ourselves suddenly in a vastly different environment, as if unseen hands had changed the set while we blinked.

Some of the action might sting, or stun. This Virgo New Moon is applying a scalpel to all manner of situations — some long festering, some bottle-necked, some deep, dark and dank, and all ripe to be aired, transmuted, and potentially healed. There’s no room for equivocating, ambivalence, hedging bets or postponing. The Terminator is paying each of us a visit, and resistance is futile, as many a science fiction character says. In many cases he’s doing us a favor.

Everything has ramifications and consequences for the long haul, particularly in our thinking and relationships. We will care, deeply, and that caring is both the launchpad and target. This Virgo New Moon may be in an intellectual sign, but hearts, passions and values are driving and bearing the brunt of the action. Attitudes will crystalize and spur monumental decisions and actions. You may suddenly see a person or situation in a light that moves them closer or further away. Clues will have been there all along; your perception is what’s new.

The Virgo New Moon’s ferocity comes from the teamwork of its ruler, Mercury, lord of our information and transportation flow, warrior god Mars and Saturn, ruler of time, order and obligations. The second pair are the real source, close as they can be in the sign of Scorpio. Their fusing summons the Terminator, precipitating aggression, strikes, endings, and other acts of commitment, with no going back. This could be positive, remember. It is the outgrowth of the first seven months of the year, the moment of implementing permanent changes that have been under consideration and in progress since Mars bivouacked in the relationship sign of Libra.

Libra’s ruler, the goddess of love, is pushing for action, too. Venus, overseer of all we hold dear, is in a tight, no-nonsense angle to Mars and Saturn that says: It’s time. Get moving. Give me what I want and get rid of what I don’t. Her shoves, and their responses, will not be subtle or boring. Pitch feminine and masculine archetypes in high-drama, attention-demanding Leo against magnetic, primal Scorpio and passions will send off steam, erupt or boil over. (Note to relationship fence-sitters: good luck staying put!)

Only situations with substance and staying power can survive and flourish now. The trivial, the decaying, the outmoded are all being uprooted and cast aside. Mercury’s position, in an exact sextile to the pair, presents opportunities for decluttering thinking and data streams. (Faltering technology doesn’t have a chance; be prepared to visit tech support or go shopping.) Violence, force and, alas, deaths, will turn minds around and spur people to decisions and action.

Some of that may be anything but rational. Neptune’s cosmic fog machine is billowing away, with the Virgo New Moon moving directly opposite it. That will cloud some thinking, spread some illusions or expose some delusions while Mercury is opening the door to demons, paranoia, terrors and the impulse to act on them. (“This is for your own good,” will be a common phrase. So will, “This hurts me more than it hurts you.”)

Cling fast to the higher potentials. They are plentiful, as dark as the news has been lately. There’s a benefit to all the metaphoric snakes coming out from under rocks. Now that they are visible, we can — and have to — deal with them.

In your own life, notice what is surfacing from your subconscious and cellular programming. Feel it, then tackle it. Take action to change the role it plays: Drop blaming other people and also yourself. Admit the often tiny ways in which you belittle and devalue yourself. Decide to honor yourself. Choose different language to tell your story.

See Also

You can achieve all this without years of therapy. That’s the marvel of this Virgo New Moon. Change can come in an instant. Truly. Cosmic quick-change artist Uranus is collaborating with Venus to spring us from stasis and limitation. Add that to the pressure she’s putting on Mars and Saturn, and movement is inevitable.

It may make startle or shock you. It may make you wince or cry. It will make you see your heart’s investments in a new light. If you are not receiving appreciation and return, guess what? You’ve been given carte blanche to walk away guilt-free. Guess what else? The external playing out is reflecting your own internal process. Your heart is insisting on change. The most important place for that, for you, is in your mind.

This Virgo New Moon is a living phrase book of adages. They’re overused, but everso apt: Change is an inside job. It’s all in your mind. Change your thinking; change your life. Advice you’ve been hearing for years. It feels right now, though, doesn’t it? Yep. Make it so.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

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