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Caroline Cory – Superhuman

Caroline Cory – Superhuman

Caroline Cory is a futurist, a visionary author, and the founder of the OMnium Method™.  Her latest work is the just-released and groundbreaking film, “Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible.”

Superhuman – An interview with Caroline Cory



In 1975, I was in the U.S. Air Force and stationed in Seoul, Korea.  One morning, the thought crossed my mind that something was wrong with my mother back in New York. I called her and asked what was going on, and my sister, who simultaneously picked up an extension phone, exclaimed, “How did he find out?” My mother was scheduled for major surgery the following day and never told me because she did not want to upset me.  My response to her was that I sensed all would be fine, and it was.  Separated by more than 6800 miles, how was it possible that I knew what was happening?  Was this a chance guess or had something extrasensory taken place?  If extrasensory, is this something that resides within each of us and that we all have the potential to tap, to be more than human, to be “Superhuman?”

I interviewed award-winning filmmaker, futurist and visionary, Caroline Cory, who has been experiencing extrasensory and precognitive events since childhood and says that we all have this potential.  Caroline Cory is the best-selling author of books on Consciousness and Energy Medicine, topping the charts of Consciousness Science and mystical literature. After teaching Energy Medicine and consciousness work for more than a decade, she founded Omnium Media, an entertainment and media platform that tackles various thought-provoking topics on the human condition and the nature of reality. In addition to writing and producing, Caroline continues to lecture and coach internationally on various mind over matter subjects. She appears regularly as a guest expert on supernatural phenomena at major conferences and television shows, including “The Unexplained” with William Shatner and History Channel’s popular series, “Ancient Aliens.”  Among several recent accomplishments, her film, “Among Us,” has won awards and nominations at various festivals around the world.  Her website is, and I interviewed her to share her experiences and discuss her just-released and groundbreaking film, “Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible.”


Victor Fuhrman: Caroline, how did you begin your practice and study of energy medicine?

CAROLINE CORY: Throughout my life, I could see the subtle energy field around people.  I would literally see their thoughts, including the root cause of their problems. I was able to help them shift the energy.  Eventually, this became the methodology that I created for energy medicine, which I called The Omnium Method.  Omnium meaning particle of a whole, meaning you’re always part of something greater.  You are a unit of consciousness that is part of a larger, universal consciousness.  And that’s how real the healing happens.  I realized that until you change the information inside the cell, the problem will remain the same, and it will come back. And so, the idea was, for example, the cell knows how to behave. The DNA tells it to rotate at a certain frequency, to keep certain chemistry and so on, and so forth. But then when we have negative thoughts and emotions for prolonged periods, you are then adding information, you’re, for example, the subconscious thoughts of “I’m not good enough,” “I’m a failure,” “I hate myself,” “I hate my old body.” All of these clusters of energy are actually going inside the cells because once energy is created, the thoughts are a form of energy. Once it’s created there, they don’t just disappear. And so, they actually go into the cells, and that’s how a particular organ gets damaged or sick. And so, because I see the subtle energy very clearly, I would focus, for example, on someone’s liver. And I would see all of the information that was implanted there.  So, the belief system, the thoughts, the emotion inside the cells. And I realized that through intent, I was able to help the person take out this information, delete the information, if you will, from the cells. And the minute they did that they healed and the problem never came back. So, I realized that is the way to address the root cause and in a permanent fashion. So, when you’re working on the cellular level, you’re also working on a DNA level. It’s the DNA that is telling the cell how to behave. I realized that we’re actually rewriting the DNA as well. And so, I would lead the person into changing the information, deleting the information from the cells, and rewriting the DNA. That’s why the Omnium Method is basically reprogramming the DNA and the cellular functioning of the body.


Victor Fuhrman: Your last film was entitled “Among Us.” I have been an experiencer or contactee since early childhood. I remember my experiences as pleasant, what I referred to as night school because I always came back with new information that there was no other conscious source for.  Many call these experiences abductions and remember them as frightening. What has your research and experience shown?

CAROLINE CORY: The contact experiences are not just with extraterrestrials to me. Anything that’s nonphysical intelligence is a contact experience. So for me, it started out with light beings. They didn’t even have a form because it was just energy basically. And so they didn’t look anything like a material extraterrestrial, and that experience was extraordinary. It was so loving and beautiful. That’s the reason why I was able to stay in this connection and ask for more. And so throughout my life, I had other experiences with other types of beings. And usually, I’ve come in contact with beings from different star systems.




Victor Fuhrman: Your new film, “Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible,” covers several genuinely groundbreaking studies of energy and consciousness with scientists, including physicists, mathematicians, doctors, and experts in many fields. I personally was delighted with the scientifically controlled demonstrations of truly superhuman abilities. How did you choose the areas featured and the experts?

CAROLINE CORY: There’s a lot of information out there about how the mind, how consciousness affects our reality, our physical body. So, I wanted to go to the next level, not just presented as a theory, but more practical and demonstrate scientifically how that could be possible. And so, I searched for scientists. I was already working with several scientists who are, like you said, in the field of physics to biochemistry, to astrophysics. And we had been doing those types of experiments, very successfully demonstrating that consciousness was changing the chemistry of water or affecting an electronic device, an electrical device at close proximity and at a distance and moving objects. And then I was thinking, wait, this needs to be shared with the world because this is working, and these are very prominent scientists. And I asked them, are you willing to be on camera and demonstrate it and talk about it? And to be honest, all these folks were there not concerned with their reputation, but they know there’s more to it. And they’re so eager to kind of go to the next level themselves in the sense of sharing what else is missing in current science and mainstream science. So that’s how I was able to invite all these prominent figures in science to contribute to the film. And I think we did a good job.


Victor Fuhrman: You did a great job! You featured a quote in the film from Nikola Tesla that says, “The day science begins to study the nonphysical phenomenon, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” That’s a pretty profound quote!

CAROLINE CORY: I totally agree because I think there are so many phenomena that are very much real and that science cannot explain because there are trying to explain nonphysical events using physical laws, and it just doesn’t work. It’s a different set of rules, a different set of laws. And so, it takes a scientist that is willing to expand into the possibility that it’s not just one thing. Perhaps it’s Newtonian laws and other laws, not only one linear way of thinking. And so, I was very, very lucky and blessed, and there are more scientists out there, I’m still looking for more to work in this field.


Victor Fuhrman: There’s a scene in the movie where you talk about the fact that science and especially neuroscience says that we only use about 10% of our brain. Still, you share that you can use one hundred percent of your brain!

CAROLINE CORY: Yeah, exactly. And so, this is going back to the methodologies that I’ve worked on and created. I realized that when I was working with a person, whether it’s for healing or looking at their consciousness or their trauma or anything like that, my brain was not functioning linearly. And so it’s as if my brain shifted from linear 10% to a whole experiential functioning, I felt like my whole brain was retrieving the information. So that the information that was coming to me, I could hear it, see it sense it, understand it, even without any prior knowledge. It’s as if my whole brain merged with that piece of information. This also happened when going back to the contact experience. I would see certain beings that I had never heard of before, I’ve never seen before in my life. But then as this connection happens, this merging process, it’s like, you become that energy. So, you know everything about it, all the senses, the five senses are more merged together as one experience. And to me, this is how you shift from linear functioning, 10% capacity to full brain capacity. I don’t agree that first, you use 10% and then 12%, and then 15%, this is very linear thinking. You just shift from linear to multidimensional at once. And that is full brain capacity!



Victor Fuhrman: The film opens with an experiment with actress Rachel Brooke Smith on Remote Viewing.  What is remote viewing, and how was it developed?

CAROLINE CORY: Remote viewing is basically the ability to perceive and retrieve information at a distance without any prior knowledge. And so the government used that technology. You project your consciousness over in a specific location. And you retrieve the information that’s there, what’s there, who’s there. And so of course on a government level, they tried to use that to spy on each other from country to country, especially Russia and the U.S. at the time. But this phenomenon is quite common and actually, you can easily learn how to remote view. And so that’s why I wanted it in the film. I wanted to introduce and invite random folks and guests to just try it out and see what happens. And it was amazing because Rachel, for example, had never done anything like this before. Literally, in two hours, we gave her instruction guidelines and did that experiment. It’s called an “outbounder” experiment. So, we, myself, and a crew member, we went to a remote location that she had never seen before. She never had an idea, no frame of reference. And she was able to pick up what I was doing at that location, what the location looks like, the type of things that were there. And she did that after only two hours of training!


See Also

Victor Fuhrman: You did many experiments, including using your mind to move physical objects up close and at a great distance, affecting the pH of the water and affecting magnetic fields.  For me, the most amazing experiment was when blindfolded children were taught to see without using their eyes, reading, identifying objects, and even playing soccer!

CAROLINE CORY: Yes. And I think the people the viewers will have the same reaction as I did, and many others do. When you first see this, you think it’s a trick, there’s no way, it’s impossible. I’ve tried it myself; I’ve done it myself! These kids, and adults, by the way, from all over the world are entirely blindfolded, and they’re able to read, they’re able to ride a bike. They’re able to play ping pong!  And to prove again in the film that this is not a fluke, that this is not some strange trick, we brought scientists, and we showed that there was no light whatsoever in the mask. Meaning if there’s no light, then technically there’s no vision because that’s how our visual system works. And you have the light reflects on the physical object, then you see. So, if there’s no light, technically you can’t see. And so, so under laboratory conditions, we waited until this device showed that there’s no light whatsoever inside the mask. And then the subject would start reading would start, you know, doing all kinds of stuff, whatever was displayed in front of them. They could see it very clearly!


Victor Fuhrman: Including identifying colors!

CAROLINE CORY: Yes, it’s incredible. And then what starts to happen once you develop this, you begin to see 360 degrees because the idea, the point is you don’t really see with your physical eyes, you see with your brain. And so, this training is changing the way the brain operates. So, it’s not just relying on the visual system. Still, it’s just operating as a perception vehicle, you can retrieve information from the front, from the side, from the back, it doesn’t even matter. And so, we did a class online actually with kids after the second session, and the kids were able to read completely blindfold!


Victor Fuhrman: Perhaps further research on this may offer hope for those who are blind.  Caroline, thank you for creating this amazing film and sharing it with the world.  Where may this film be viewed, and where may we find out more about you and your work?

CAROLINE CORY: Thank you, Victor!  The film may be viewed at, and my website is


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