A Girl and Her Horse: The Law of Attraction Works For Everyone
A Girl and Her Horse: The Law of Attraction Works For Everyone
By Dawn Allcot
I witnessed something this week that is a powerful testament to the Law of Attraction and the power of focus, belief and positive action. (Stay tuned and you’ll find out what it is.)
We’re accustomed, by now, to seeing gurus (self-proclaimed or not) manifest amazing things. We see life coaches and other Law of Attraction experts in beachfront houses, enjoying what many of us would call “the good life.”
They tell us we can have it all, too. They tell us when we put our belief, focus and expectation on any one thing, the energy of the Universe falls into alignment with our own energy and we can manifest that thing, regardless of size, regardless of how impossible it may seem.
 The Law of Attraction and “Regular” People
A large percentage of millionaires and billionaires know this “secret” Law of Attraction. (And even most who won’t admit to it know it, as well.) But how many people who have heard of the Law of Attraction are not yet millionaires? I don’t think anyone’s ever done a study… but my guess would be: A LOT.
That’s why it’s so important, so amazing, and so powerful to remember that the Law of Attraction works (whether we want it to or not) every day, for little things, as well as big things. And it works for everyone. Even if right now we are firmly stuck in the struggling and vanishing middle class.
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality
Great Blog Post, Dawn. I’m happy you shared Jen’s inspirational story. And yes, we all are manifesters of our own dreams 🙂