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Long Distance Love – Possible or Impossible?

Long Distance Love – Possible or Impossible?

long distance love OMTimes

Is long distance love possible or is it doomed to failure?

Long Distance Love

By Channa Serenity



The heart finding union with another is a miracle and a blessing and often times completely irrational but indisputably an enchanting occurrence.  I’ve often heard people claim that long distance love simply doesn’t work. I firmly believe, however, it is not that long distance love doesn’t work it is simply that the particular relationship did not work just as many relationships that are local don’t work out. Relationships bring out in us what it is we need to heal within ourselves; they serve as our greatest teachers, whether they last a lifetime or a short time, whether we are in the same town or in different countries.  I believe in long distance love – my own heart is in adoration of someone who is not in close vicinity to me and triggered my contemplation on the matter of long distance relationships, here are my thoughts as to why love has no boundaries and some tips to make it work.

Love is a form of energy. We already know that all matter is energy in movement. Even the most solid objects are built from energy. We are surrounded by energy. We ourselves are energy. In case you haven’t gotten the jest, I will sum it up; everything is energy! The source of this energy is love. Love is the energy that unites us all in this beautiful collective consciousness called life.  Long distance love is no less powerful than love that is in the same room.

Energy vibrates at different frequencies and love vibrates at the highest frequency. Those who are in love vibrate at high frequency and can get that frequency throughout the mind and emotions just by recalling the feeling of being in pleasant situations with the beloved ones. Studies have proven that our thoughts and our feelings are key components in manifesting and creating our reality. The thought of being cuddled in my lover’s arms transmits the same waves as actually being physically there. So in truth, love exists in thought as strongly as we experience it through touch.

Love also exists in intent. Reiki, a form of energy healing is commonly known to be used over distance because there is no time or space boundary with energy. The practitioner simply focuses and with intention sends healing energy to the receiver and the healing has the exact same effect as if the practitioner was in the same room. So it goes to show that love, the highest form of energy, can also nourish us no matter where we are in relationship to our partner simply by allowing our thoughts and intentions to guide us there and being in acceptance of long distance love.

Long distance love also has some advantages.  I think oftentimes in life our relationships take too much emphasis on the physical. We become attracted to one another on a physical level, we enjoy time together, and so we consummate the relationship. Sex is a very powerful exchange of energy and should be entered into only when you are sure you want to entangle your energy with another because it seriously connects you on an etheric level.  I personally find that distance is a gift. It gives you the opportunity to connect spiritually, energetically and emotionally. It’s time to really get to know someone, and when you do spend time with one another you are grateful for every second that you have together. So often couples who live together or see each other very frequently forget their love and they take each other for granted. Of course, it’s natural and human to crave touch and affection, but it’s important to keep your thoughts focused on the positive and not what you feel is lacking. This goes for anything in life, thoughts of lack cannot attract.

Your natural state is one of peace and harmony. You are love, it is within you. It is not your partner’s responsibility to complete you. Sorry folk’s but the ole’ Jerry Macguire line “You complete me” is not one you really want to hear. You are already complete, whole and beautiful. When two people who realize their individual whole-ness come together in union it is beautiful and complimentary of one another, and an incredible force of Divine power.

Do not fear and doubt long distance love, it is not natural to your authentic being, it is simply the rantings of your ego mind. Your ego will play tricks with you, it may make you worry, and make you second-guess your relationship. Release your consciousness of strain, tension and all discordant energy to the Divine, and allow yourself to be filled with love unconditional, perfection, peace, joy and harmony. Be willing to go beyond the restrictions of your little ego mind. It is simply a choice for you to make, all choices manifest your reality. Choose love, not fear.

Focus on the present. Look forward to seeing one another in the future but be sure to enjoy and marinate in the love of the moment.  Don’t put up a dam between self and love, which is truth. There is no point of being sad and missing someone, it interferes with vibration. Time is something that in truth does not exist. All you ever have is right now and right now you are love eternal. Feel the joy of heaven on earth for that is the only reality that is true and worth your thought.

See Also

Only love is real… our appearance world is not…love is anywhere…love is everywhere…love knows no time nor distance…long distance love is possible.

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About the Author

Channa Serenity is a Spiritual & Holistic Health Practitioner. She’s dedicated her life to studying the healing arts and holds certificates in many different modalities. Her passion is to help women take control of their bodies, minds and spirits, and create balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives. She wants to empower women and children to make lifestyle changes necessary for their best possible health. She is the founder of “The Chakra Healing Cleanse”.  Channa has authored “12 weeks to Raw-some, Diva edition” and forthcoming children’s book, “Isadora’s Journey”.

View Comments (6)
  • Long distance relationships are not realistic and ultimately fall apart unless one or the both of you have already intended to move to the same city as the other fairly soon.

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