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Living an Ageless Day

Living an Ageless Day


The Numbers Game and Living an Ageless Day

by Paul Lipton

Numbers are everywhere. You can’t avoid them, even if you try. They are arbitrary, yet we have given numbers an amount of power that is disproportionate to true power and influence. The biggest number that seems to control us is our date of birth. This is especially so with numbers after 30. There is the 35 or major 40. Then, you arrive at numbers that seem to have a false power over you, such as 50, 60, 70 and so on.

With each life marker, you may start feeling that there is less opportunity or others might be treating you differently. There is some sense of becoming invisible or just not being included in events of the moment. It is corrosive and hurtful, but so arbitrary and uncalled for. You are not different. You have just lived and experienced more that life has to offer. You are more vital than ever. Your wisdom is just finally coming out of its cocoon. Instead of being excluded, you should be sought out.

Yet, we have even started saying 50 is the new 40, whatever it means. However, each stage in life is unique and must be embraced. If numbers were taken out of the equation, then you are just who you are now. Not some new lesser number! Numbers – that is all they are.

So, here is an idea. The day itself knows no number. Nature knows no number. Oh, we apply numbers to the days with 7 days in the week or the number of rings in a tree trunk to let us know how old a tree is. Does the tree care? It would not seem so. Perhaps it does not even cross the tree’s mind!

Without our restricting filter and superimposed numbers, the day and nature are ageless. Until we came along, no creature even considered it. When you think about it, the numbers game is truly absurd. Putting a number next to anything is an odd thing to do and a strange way to live. Why do we do it? Maybe psychologists can explain it, but it makes no sense.

How about living another way? A new way of living each day. The day is ageless. You are living in an ageless day. What does that make you? How about ageless? Consider the concept of getting up in the morning and first giving thanks for just getting up in the morning and being able to live this singular holy day.

Then, take a moment to say grace for the gift of being able to do something positive and helpful for others on this singular day. As you go through the day, live exactly that way, grateful and with grace for the gift of this singular day.

You are not 40 or 60 or any number. You are simply a traveler in the fluidity of space, a being present in the lives of others. When you think of it that way, there is a shift in your very being. You are no longer looking in the mirror and seeing grey hairs, age marks or wrinkles. Rather, your entire concept of you shifts. What you see instead is the beauty of the day and the possibility and potential to make a difference. What you see is the face of the Almighty in the reflection in the mirror. What you feel is a renewal that the day is new; the first and last of its kind. A true endangered species, you are provided the opportunity to join it in the dance that is today.

Look past the ordinary and witness the extraordinary that is one person on one day living the blessing of time. Now use that time to accomplish something.


Here are 5 suggestions to shift your view of time to live an ageless day:

Ageless Day 1. Witness all of you each day. Not merely the exterior of you, but the full measure of you: body, mind, spirit and emotions.

Ageless Day 2. Do not superimpose limits on your dreams and passions merely because you think some number requires you to do so.

Ageless Day 3. Don’t judge others by numbers. Get to know the whole person. There is still a child in there who wants to play.

See Also

Ageless Day 4. Value each day. Don’t discount a day because of where it sits on some life calendar.

Ageless Day 5. Find the joy and fun in your life. There is no expiration date on those gifts.


The numbers game – step back from it. You don’t need to play that game. Instead, find another pastime, your life.


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About the Author

Paul Lipton is an attorney and author. His book, Hour of the Wolf/An Experiment in Ageless Living, asks the reader to live outside of limitations and live life fully and consciously. Age is simply an arbitrary number that does not define you. Paul looks for the sweet spot where life and adventure meet.

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